Become a Father

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Few days passed, Jin was getting better. He was eat well and sleep on time, but sometimes Jin wake up in the middle of night because of the nightmare he has, and that's make Stephanie worried.

In the morning Stephanie was prepare to go to school. When she was about to leave she was stop by someone.

"Wait for me!" Jin shout from the upstairs.

Stephanie was shock. Is he going to school? She taught.

"Let's go" Jin said and leave the house.

"Wait Jin..."

"Why? We are goonna be late if we still here"

"Are you really going? You don't have to force yourself."

Jin just nodded and get in his car.

In the school Jin didn't say anything and just focus to the teacher. Even when the break come, he just stay at class. 

"Are you not going to get lunch?" Stephanie said.

Jin shake his head.

"You were skip your breakfast too, let's go eat"

"Later" Jin said and just put his head on the table and close his eyes.

Stephanie can't do anything to force Jin and she just leave.


At the cafetaria the bangtan talk about Jin.

"Why suddenly he go to school? Is he okay already?" Namjoon said.

"I think it's not, he still didn't say anything and just shut his mouth all day" Jimin said.

"Just let him be guys, it take long step for him. It's some progress right that he finally step out from his room?" Stephanie said while grab her meal so fast. She felt hungry everytime because of the baby in her stomach.

"You will gonna  fat Steph" Taehyung tease Stephanie.

"Shut up, i can't hold my hunger. I just have to take break when this baby turn to 4 months. Its just funny to have pregnant student in this school." Stephanie said.

"Did you tell Jin yet?" Jimin ask.

"No, i don't know how to tell him." Stephanie just keep eating and move away her worried.


At night, Jin was fall asleep so early. Stephanie read a book about pregnancy in her room. After some hours, she feel sleepy and decide  to go sleep. When she lean herself on the bed, she heard screaming from Jin's room. She run to Jin's room and saw Jin was sleep with cold sweat, and screaming. Stephanie knew that he has an another nightmare. She shake Jin's shoulder and try to wake him up. Finally Jin open his eyes with tears falling down.

"It's okay Jin, it's just bad dream" Stephanie said and help Jin to get up.

Jin now sit on his bed and Stephanie standing in front of him. She stroke Jin's head to calm him down.

Slowly, Jin's hand was move direct to Stephanie's stomach. He lean his hand on Stephanie's stomach and watching it so long.

Stephanie was shock for Jin's act. Did he know?

"Yin Hyung's child......." Jin said with low voice.

"How sad... this child can't see it's father. It can't have someone to be called father.....How pity..." Jin said and suddenly he lean his head in Stephanie's stomach.

Stephanie was stood frozen. How did he know? She never tell to him, or anybody didn't.


Jin lift his head and Stephanie slowly hold his cheeks.

"Jin... do you want to be a father of this child?" Stephanie make a courage to said that.

Jin glance his eyes to Stephanie. He was shock too.

"You can be a father for this child..... Yin will be like it" Stephanie continue.


"Yes Jin, Yin will be happy if you can be a father for his child."

"Can i ?" Jin said and his tears start falling in his eyes. He felt guilty but also want to take care of the baby.

"Of course, this child would be happy to have a father like you"

Jin crying and stroke Stephanie's stomach. 

"Is this a Son or a Daughter?" Jin ask.

"We don't know yet. I will get check up tomorrow, you wanna come?"

Jin nodded and smile. It has been a long time since Stephanie can see Jin's smile. It's a miracle that her baby was the one who make Jin smile and wake up from his depression.

Stephanie just realize, maybe Yin purpose to send this child in her life to help her with Jin. It become a precious gift that Yin gave to Stephanie.

The next morning, Jin was ready at the living room, waiting for Stephanie to take her to hospital.

"Are you wake early?" Stephanie said while walking downstairs.

Jin nodded. He still shy that he will become a dad.

At the hospital, Jin was sit next to Stephanie and the doctor was preparing the tools to check Stephanie's stomach.

The doctor start moving the tools in Stephanie's stomach and Jin was held Stephanie's hand, his eyes was at the monitor that showing the baby.

Jin eyes was start tears up. He doesn't believe that the baby really exist. He give a bright smile and so Stephanie did.

"Congratulations, it's a baby girl" The doctor said.

"Thanks doc!" Stephanie said.

Jin can't stop smiling while his eyes was focus at the monitor.

"Jin, are you that happy?" Stephanie ask.

"Of course, it's the best gift from Yin Hyung. I'll love her with all my heart." Jin said.

It's relief that Jin can accept the baby. Stephanie never imagine that Jin will be this happy to react. Stephanie was think that Jin would be angry or mad because of this, but instead of that, Jin was happy and ready to be the father.

They come home after the check up. Jin held Stephanie's hand.

"I'm sorry..... you have been through because of me" He said.

"Thankyou for wake up.... thank you to let me love you" Stephanie reply.

"I had hurt you Steph, i was selfish before"

"Don't think like that, i was thankful that you ready accept the baby, even this is not yours"

"It's my niece honestly, there were no problem if i can be her dad" Jin said with bright smile.

Jin kiss Stephanie's forehead and then hug her in his embrace.

"I will protect you and this child no matter happen. I promised Yin Hyung" Jin said and still hug Stephanie tightly.


Author notes^^

A little short chaper, and this book will end soon fyi ^^

Thanks for the reader :* <3 

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