The Club

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Jin and his gang was walking in the school hall. Everybody eyes was at them. They are scared when Jin and his gang was coming in this school.

Jin's gang have a name, called "Bangtan". When students hear bangtan, they don't dare to lift their head up. They are all bow their head to bangtan. When there was new student, they will bring the new boy to rooftop and torture him until they realize who was the boss here. It's kind of traditional welcoming in this school.

The teachers also don't dare to against bangtan, since Jin's parents was own this school, so they are can't do anything about Jin and his gang.

Bangtan was at the cafeteria, ready to eat their lunch.

"Jin, i'm so bored these days, may we get some fun tonight?" Jungkook said.

"Jungkook right, how about club tonight?" Hoseok shout.

"I don't like the weather there, it's killed me!" Jin said.

"Oh c'mon Jin, don't be a pamper boy. Pretty girls were waiting for us." Namjoon said.

"I can't wait to kiss their lips and thier body...hahaha" Namjoon continue.

"It's disgusting Joon" Jimin said.

"Shut up guys, Okayy we go tonight!" Jin said.


Yin was finished work in the cafe. And now he is in his way for another job. He receive a job as a driver at night. The client was different every time, he will get order from a call from his company to drive someone in somewhere. 

It's night already, Yin get call from the customer to drive him home. Yin go to the place immediately to pick up his customer.


In the club, Jin and his gang was crazy. They are all drunk and dance on the floor so wild. As usual, Namjoon will making love with some girls. And other just get drunk and dance. Jin was not drunk, he can't drunk because his disease he have. So he just sit and drink some juice and look at his friends who get some fun. 

It's pass midnight. Namjoon leave with some girls to the hotel. Jungkook and Hoseok was fainted and was brought home by their driver. And now just Jin,Jimin and Taehyung that still in the club.

"Guys, we need go home!" Jin shout at his friends.

"Already? It's still early Jin!" Jungkook said while drunk.

"Yeah for you, i was tired and dizzy , I'll leave then" Jin get up from his seat and go home. Jin was calling for driver to bring Jimin and Taehyung home before he leave them, because they were drunk so crazy.

Jimin and Taehyung was waiting for the driver inside the club. Suddenly, Yin come and looking for his customer who call him minutes ago.

"Excuse me, do you know Jimin? I was called to drive him and his friends home" Yin asking one woman of people in the club.

"Oh that people, over there" She point to Jimin and Taehyung that sit  like a death man in the sofa.

"Thanks" Yin said and approach Jimin and Taehyung, but The woman grab Yin's hand.

"Wait, be careful. I will date you if you success to bring them home safely" The woman said joking.

"What?" Yin didin't understand what the woman mean.

"I mean.... they are wild when they drunk... good luck" The woman said and leave.

Yin ignore what woman said and just do what he have do for his work.

"Boys, now it's time to go home!" Yin shout at the two boys that still half conscious.

" your mouth!! We are prince , not boy!" Taehyung stand up and slap Yin.

"Oucchh" Yin was shock for what Taehyung did.

"I know you drunk, just let me do my job properly without trouble." Yin said and try to help Jimin standing.

Yin was lean Jimin's hand around his shoulders when walk to the car. Suddenly Jimin was let go off Yin hand and fall.

Taehyung who see Jimin fall was angry and grab Yin's collar.

"Dude!! what are you doing to my friends!!!" Taehyung pull Yin's collar tightly.

Taehyung was shock when he see Yin's face. He still half conscious but he watch Yin's face carefully.

"You??!! you said you go home, why you still here?" Taehyung said.

Taehyung think that the man was Jin, because they have a same face.

Yin just frowned and let go off Taehyung hand.

Finally Jimin and Taehyung was in their car safely. Yin was drive them home safely and give the car's key to security in front of their house. And Yin go home.


In the next morning, Jin and his gang was in class. They were bullying one of their classmate.

Jin was sit  coldly and suddenly Stephanie show up.

"Jin!!!! Where have you been last night?! I called you hundreds times!!!" Stephanie lean his head to Jin's shoulder.

"Get off, i'm dizzy!" Jin said.

"He was with some girls last night in the club" Jungkook said.

"What??! Is that true Jin?" Stephanie was angry to hear that.

"Whatever, just believe him" Jin said coldly.

Stephanie hit Jin shoulder.

"You are mine, don't near other girl without my permission."

"I'm not even last long in the club" Jin explain.

"Don't lie Jin, who was the one who brought me and Jimin home then" Taehyung said.

"Are you dreaming?  I was home after order a driver to drive you guys home." Jin said.

"No way, i'm clearly watch you take us home." Taehyung deny it.

"I think you drunk Taehyung, Jin never ever take you home, he's too disgust by you" Namjoon said and laughing.

"I'm sure it was Jin!" Taehyung said and the bell ring. It's time to study.

They are debating about the man who take Jimin and Taehyung home. The others just think Taehyung was have hallucination, but the truth it was Yin who drive them home. They still don't realize that Yin was Jin's twin brothers.

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