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Jin and Stephanie were live like before. But now, Jin really over protective because of the baby in Stephanie's. They were married and just held a small party with the bangtan.

The baby was grown up to 9 months. Stephanie was stay at home and no need to school anymore. While Jin, he keep his daily as usual but he often call Stephanie at home when he was in school to make sure that she is okay.

"It's so boring, right baby?" Stephanie said and rubbed his stomach.

She was at living room alone watching the TV.

"Should we call daddy?" Stephanie decide to call Jin.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jin said worried.

"Of course, we just bored. Just watching the TV all day."

"Oh it's relief. I though there's something wrong with the baby."

"Don't worry Jin, we just okay."

"Just wait for me, I'll be there at 5"

"Yeah, it's too long. Can I walk out for a moment? I promised that I'll be careful."

"No, you can go out with me later. Don't go around alone."

"Arrasseoo..." Stephanie said with sad face and then they end the call.

"Your daddy was overprotective, let's just sleep."

Stephanie finally choose to sleep to throw away her boredom.

After some hours, she wake up with pain in her stomach.

"Oucchh.. what's wrong baby? Why you move so roughly, it's hurt your mom" She said to the baby and rubbed her stomach trying to reduce the pain.

She get up from her bed, but the pain was get worse. She take her phone and call Jin, but he didn't answer because he is in class.

She decide to text him with the energy that she have.

"Jin, something wrong with the baby. It hurt so much"

"Can you come home, I can't stand anymore."

"Jin , please ........"

Stephanie was hold her pain and going to bathroom. He reach the wall to hold her body. She decide go back to her bed and call 119.

"Hello,can I help you?"

"H-help...M-me....it hurt...."

"Miss? What are your state?"

"T-the b-baby..... please.. h-help m......" Her phone was fall on the floor and she passed out.


The second break was come and Jin take out his phone. He was shocked that there were so many missed call and some message. He opened it and was panic when he saw the message from Stephanie.

"What's wrong Jin?" Jungkook ask.

"Something wrong with Stephanie......"

Jin call her back and he was surprise when another woman answer the call.

"Hello Sir? Are you her husband?" The nurse said on the phone.

"Yes I am, who is this? Where's my wife?"

"She is at xxxxx hospital, she was send here unconscious."

"I'll be there!"Jin hang up the phone and running immediately to the hospital.

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