1st Day Camping

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Tomorrow finally the day of the camping. Jin was packing his stuffs in his bag, and then someone knocking his door.

It's Yin.

"Are you finish packing?" Yin ask Jin.

"Oh yeah hyung, just confused what any else that should i bring." Jin reply.

"Don't forget to bring your medicine, the inhaler, and other tools for emergency. I don't want something bad happen to you in there. Moreover, there it is cold" Yin said.

"Oh i forgot, thanks to remind me hyung."

"Jin, i just want to say.... I'm sorry if i'm not good enough to be your brother. I'm still trying."

"Hyung.... don't think to be a good brother, just think that i love you and i hope you realized that. And....... i want you to not regret something in the end, i don't want you to get hurt.Okay?"

Yin nodded give a smile to Jin.

Yin back to his room. He sit on his bed and sigh. He thinking about Jin. Should he continue his relationship with Stephanie for Jin? But it's really difficult. The relationship become stronger between them, but He still think about Jin everytime he with Stephanie.


They are finally arrived at camping location. It's in the middle of hills. 

Vilia was walking to his tend after put some stuff for camp fire tonight, suddenly there's feet across in her way and make her fall.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see" Jungkook said.

Vilia trying to stand up and rubbed her knee from dirty sand.

"You did it on purpose were you?" Vilia said.

"Hmm... honestly, YES!" Jungkook said rudely.

"What have i done to you that make you hate me so much? I don't ask you to like me or treat me nice, but at least don't distrub my life please?" Vilia said in high tone.

"Sadly, this is just begin. You will regret by you joined this camp" Jungkook said and leave.


The sky become dark, they are all play games, have a barbeque party, and now time for camp fire. Everybody was excited.

The camp fire begin. All student and teacher was sit around the fire. Jin sit beside Stephanie, and Yin just sit with some classmate beside him.

"Are you not cold Jin?" Stephanie ask.

"No, it's warm because of you." Jin reply.

"Oh, you start again. You okay right? You don't feel sick are you?" Stephanie keep worrying Jin since the weather doesn't look good.

"No i'm fine Steph. Stop  Worried about me and enjoy our time in here, okay?" Jin said and wrapping his hand around Stephanie.

Yin was look at them from far. He is glad that Jin was happy with Stephanie, he doesn't want break the situation. But in other side, Yin feel a bit jealous. He hope that he can hug Stephanie in this situation too. But it doesn't matter for him, as ling as Jin happy.

Yin was bored alone and leave the place. He walk around and find a little farm not far from camp location.

"Wow, it's beautiful. Maybe it will more nice if it's morning." Yin said to himself.

The camp fire still  going on, and the students start leave the spot one by one. The bangtan has their own activity as usual. Playing a card, and joking wildly.

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