The Hard Way - 16 [Kouha Ren]

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A/N: This was requested by @Starnlim . I hope you enjoy! 

Many people thought Kouha needed a mature partner, one who would keep him in line. Many people thought that you were the best possible fit. Not only were you the princess of a neighbouring land -- albeit it being incredibly small with little ressources and military power -- you were also the perfect person to ground the young prince.

You would not let people push you around, no matter the circumstances. Kouha had learned this the hard way. You had a will of steel, and Kouha had also learned that the hard way. 

You were adept enough in combat to not be dead weight during missions or expeditions, which meant you got to head out with him most of the time. 

"No, Kouha, we're not here to kill them." You sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder to keep him from murdering the people you were supposed to interrogate. It was odd how it didn't really bother you that he was rather.... sadistic. 

"[Y/N] you're no fun!" He whined, and you shook your head, tying them up before attempting to drag the men into consciousness again. "We need to interrogate them. We can't do that if they're dead." You sighed, knowing that what you had just said had flown high above his head. 

Maybe someone mature was best to hold him back, but when you weren't on a mission, you could become very wild. Letting you relax too much was a bad idea; everyone had learned that the hard way. 

A/N: This is the shortest. Oneshot. Ever. I don't think I've ever written something so short! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed (despite the ridiculous shortness of it. If you'd like, I could make another one for you if it doesn't satisfy you). I just couldn't think of anything else. My brain is fried (along with my muscles) from sitting down at my desk for the past three hours writing these XD. At least I met my quota.

I even wrote an extra one. Any other request submitted today, or second parts of oneshots will have to wait for tomorrow, because I'm about to fall asleep here. 

Just for future reference, the difference between the long oneshots I write and the short ones, is that the long ones are very specific (as you can tell) while these are very vague, and anything goes really, and, most of the time, they end up shorter. 

Thanks for reading!


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