Useless - 12 [Kouen Ren]

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A/N: This was requested by @RebeccaMasten , and..... I'm not sure why I chose this storyline out of all those I thought of (though the final product turned out waaaay better than I expected), I hope you enjoy.

Alpha!Kouen x Shy!Omega!Reader

Everything revolved around the alpha of a pack. His approvals were the wisest, his disapprovals rendering something once thought amazing to a piece of garbage that littered the ground. It went that way for people, too.

You hadn't always been the 'omega' of your pack. You'd done something -- you weren't sure what -- to anger the alpha of your pack, something so unforgivable that you were stripped of your rank, and demoted the farthest you could possibly go.

You weren't even originally part of the Rose pack. You were left on the borders of their territory, abandoned in the cold. The previous alpha, with all the kindness in his heart, had taken you in, raising you as his own.

After his death, his son, your 'brother', let you remain in his home for a little while longer before declaring you the new omega. You didn't know why; he'd never bothered to explain the reason behind it. Even if you wanted to ask, he pretended you didn't even exist. 

It hurt more than you'd expected; you had loved him as if he was your blood relative, only for your affections to be trampled over. Sadened, you walked on the borders, ignored by every guard. 

You were used to this. Nobody talked to you, and your social skills had plummeted from the past five years of alienation. You heard the soft wading of paws in the crunching snow, you looked up, and your heart jumped to your throat. 

One of the most majetic wolves you'd ever seen stood proud before you. Ruffled, perfect red strands covered the muscled body, and it put every other wolf you'd seen to shame. Your pupils dilated, and it was as if something wanted to pull you towards it. 

After a few moments, it shifted, and you averted your eyes bashfully, even though the man standing before you was stunning. "Who are you?" His voice was low, and reverberated against his chest. 

You swallowed, opening your mouth a few times before managing to reply. "[Y/N]...." You whispered, meeting his eyes. The intensity made you jump slightly, and you found it incredibly hard to breathe. 

You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and you squirmed slightly as he studied you. He got closer, and you tensed, your breath hitching completely. He leaned down so his mouth was next to your ear. "You're mine. Don't forget that." He growled, authority coating his tone. 

All you could do was stand in shock, as he stood away, looked over his shoulder, and shifted again. He was gone in the blink of an eye with speed you'd never seen before. Your knees buckled, and you put a hand over your heart, staring off into the direction he'd gone.

"You still..... didn't tell me your name." You whispered breathily. 


The next day, you found yourself wandering the area again. There was no doubt that he was your mate. It had only clicked when he was long gone, but his words indicated that he probably knew.

It was the first time someone had paid attention to you in years, and you weren't sure if you should be scared or excited. A little bit of both made your stomach churn constantly. You wrung your wrists. 

What if he found out you were an omega, and didn't want you? What if you were too ugly? What if you weren't what he was looking for? Anxiety clawed at your heart, and you leaned against a tree, trying to collect yourself.

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