Nightmare - 3 [Masrur Fanalis]

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The day you were found by Masrur Fanalis, was the day you knew you'd never have to be a slave again. You'd been bouncing from master to master for several months, and you thought that he'd be no different. 

Then, you found yourself in Sindria, and he said that you'd be free. This had shocked you so much that you were in tears. Years later, you still hadn't shaken off the trauma that being a slave had brought you, but you'd also found love and safety. 

Whenever you'd ask him why he'd decided to free you, he always answered with an "I don't know", but that he was glad that he had. You fell asleep that night after he said that he needed to do some work for Sinbad for a few hours more.

Ja'far had been forced to rest since he'd caught a high fever, and Sinbad was gone to make more trading arrangements with two of his other Generals, leaving the task to Masrur.

Lightning struck the window, and you jumped. You were in a completely dark room, and you couldn't see a thing. "Masrur?" You called, your voice wavering. You slowly got up, your feet slapping against cold, rough stone instead of the normal smooth marble. 

Your legs shook, and you blindly walked forward. You stopped when your hands came into contact with something. Light flooded from a small door, and you saw that you were behind wars. 

You heard the rattling of chains below you, and you gasped, looking down. Tears flooded your eyes when you noticed them attached to your ankles. "I'm not ready to go back." You sobbed, holding yourself. Suddenly you looked up, and saw the one you loved most glaring down at you in disgust. 

You whimpered and backed away, but his hand reached through the bars and caught  the collar of your clothing. "Who do you think you are?" He growled, banging you against the metal bars. You cried out, and he threw you across the room until you hit another set of bars. "Learn your place." He hissed, and you curled your knees to your chest and sobbed. You jolted up with a gasp. 

Sweat beaded your forehead, and you were openly crying. You were once again in a dark room, lightning and thunder clashing outside your window. You hugged your knees to your chest and rocked yourself back and forth, sobbing.

Is that really what he thought of you? You used your hand to muffle your now louder sobs, not wanting to awake anyone. The probability of that happening was very low, but it made you feel like less of a bother anyway. 

You didn't know how long you sat there crying, but your tears showed no intention of stopping. Light flooded the room, and you tensed. Except, this time, you were not surrounding by bars and chains.

You slowly looked up, attempting to wipe away your tears before the tall redhead had a chance to see them. He closed the door behind him, and you could hear his feet slapping against the floor (since he never seemed to wear any shoes). 

You were caught in a warm, silent embrace, and you sniffed. You squeezed your eyes shut; how could your subconscious mind have ever made such a horrible person out of this caring man?

"I love you."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this one! I actually thought of this when I woke up this morning, and mixed it with the original idea for what I thought of doing for the previous one for Kouen (I made it snakes instead of lightning for those of you who are confused ;)). Anyway, REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED! If you want a request pleeeeeeeaaaaaase send it to my PM box so I can remember it easily and dedicate it to you afterwards :)


Magi x Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें