Hell - 10 [Lo'lo Fanalis]

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A/N: This was requested by @Jadeitarrow , and I know I'm not going in order, but..... I really want to try writing this character (a very rare request indeed). And you know, all of you have been so nice and supportive that I'm deeply touched. Thus (who uses this word while talking?), I'm going to try to finish all requests by tomorrow. Note, try. I can probably do it, but , you know, just in case.... XD

Soulmate!AU Lo'Lo x Slave!Fanalis!Reader (more Soulmate!AUs *squeals*)

Also, since you're a Fanalis in this, you won't have the features (except your eyes) you usually have (seeing as.... you're a Fanalis. And Fanalis have red/pink hair).

Where whenever your soulmate marks something onto their skin, it automatically appears on yours, but fades after a certain period of time.

Lo'lo had never been a patient man. He had quite the aggressive side of him -- maybe it comprised most of him -- but he wasn't completely inconsiderate, or stupid. Maybe just a little stupid.

He pounded his fists against the table beneath him, causing it to crack and splinter. "Why am I dissing myself?" He growled, looking down at his wrists. His frown turned into a scowl, and he yelled again, letting out a string of curse words. 

He directed his attention back to his wrists -- why the hell was it so hard for him to concentrate on something other than fighting? Curses formed on his lips, and he shook his head vigorously. 

Two thick lines seperated by a large interval -- smaller on his amrs -- on either one overlapped his own scars, which were barely visible. No doubt, if Muu hadn't stepped in when he did, he'd still be the victim of slavery.

So his soulmate, someone he imagined as big and burly -- just like him -- was a slave. A suffering one, at that. He'd had made lines appear on his own skin, having no idea where they came from. He'd tried writing to them, asking for their location, but he never got a reply. 

He stood up and walked out of his little house, heading out to train. It was the only thing that could take his mind off anything. He'd have to deal with Myron, sure, but, whatever. He shrugged.

When he got there, he stripped of his shirt, tossing it on the ground. It was too hot to wear that thing. He continued to grumble to himself, knocking down a few trees before butchering them to relieve his irritation.

He heard a gasp come from behind him. He turned around, and spotted Muu, who approached him with a concerned gleam twinkling in his ruby eyes. "What happened to your back?" He questioned. "Those scars... they weren't there before, were they?" He tilted his head, and Lo'lo frowned.

"What scars?" He questioned, reserving his tone to one of respect. Muu was the only person who'd earned it, after all. "They look like whippings. There are..... five. They look like deep wounds, too."

Lo'lo kicked down another tree, his fists curling into fists. He sighed and sat on the ground, plucking the grass as Muu sat down himself. He tugged at his scruffy beard, then at his short braid, and finally at the mop of hair atop his head. 

"What's wrong?" Muu's calm, kind expression made the aggressive man sigh in defeat. "Someone's abusing my soulmate, that's what!" He didn't expect his tone to sound so sharp. Muu's eyes widened in surprise, before his lips settled into a small frown.

"That's.... unfortunate." He mumbled. "I bet ya she's a slave too." He showed the fading scars on his wrists, and punched the ground, creating a small crater. He knew he had to control his strength but he just didn't want to

"Muu!" Myron yelled, running over. "There's some kind of commotion nearby." She looked just about ready to jump into the fight. "I'll come with you then." He shrugged on his shirt, hoping to get a good fight in. Hopefully that would settle his nerves. 

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