you're a liar

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chapter seven.



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9:20 am,

Cold chilly air spreading through the atmosphere peacefully, sending shivers down Taehyung's spine as he sat himself on the bench, waiting for someone that'll be meeting him today; Jungkook. They've been getting a bit more closer these days, and in school too. He was pretty shocked at that too, past then, Jungkook always act nice on him whem they're hanging out or him coming over to their house only, but he's also being nice and gentle when they're at school these past few days.

Eunha, she's very proud of that. The brunette girl know how she made the ravenette to finally realized, that there's nothing happy if we're popular, even if we are, popularity will never show the true happiness for us; that's what she said to Taehyung and Jungkook. The blonde, obviously was dumbfounded at everything. Jungkook suddenly act nice, Eunha suddenly speech out something that are confusing him, a lot more. He's a bit sad since the both of them won't let him know what've they been discussing past days.

But, he decided just to shrug it off since he thought that might be something important that were including their family or bussiness so, he wouldn't want to disturb.

A few more minutes passed, and there's still no sight of the ravenette. He still waited, lifting his leg up and wrapped himself with his arms held his legs, buried his face in between his knees to prevent himself been in contact with the coldness. He will be here any minutes from now, Taehyung thought in his head, slowly turning head side by side to see if there's any shadow or even a familiar figure walking around; but there's none and he's very sad. It's already 1 hour passed and Jungkook's still not here like how he promised.

Taehyung fished out his phone, dialing in Jungkook's number and put the phone on his ears - hearing a loud 'thu.. thu.. thu..'

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