Chapter 11

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It was time of the camping trip to the lake. Kaylyn was helping loading the Mustang down with camping gear. Jon was talking to Eric about the plans he may do at the lake. "Yes Eric, I'm going to ask Kaylyn to be my wife. I got the ring and everything. As I'm at the lake I want you to watch for an attack. Call me if anything happens to Jamie or anyone. I’m counting on you. “Jon said as he pats Eric on the back.”Don't worry Jon. Everything will be ok. You go and get that girl to be your wife."Eric whispered into Jon’s ear. Jon smiled as he saw Kaylyn pushing her bag into the car and then smiling back at him. "Yeah I love her more than anything. She is the most important thing in my life right now and if anything happens to her I would go mad. “Jon said looking at Eric.”Jon, don't I know that? I can see it in your face when you just looked at her just now and I know she feels the same about you. “Eric said. Jon sighed and went to help Kaylyn put the heavy cooler into the trunk of the car. "Are you ready to go my love?"Jon said looking at her. "Yeah let’s go! I've never been to the lakes near here. So I'm excited to go and try new places. “Kaylyn said smiling.”You’ll have fun Kaylyn. It’s a pretty lake. Now you take care you two. “Eric said giving Kaylyn a hug.”You too Eric and tell Jessica I hope she feels better. I'll see you in a week!" Kaylyn said getting in the car. "Yeah, Eric just remember to call me if anything happens. “Jon said as he gets into the car.  Jon started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

     An hour or two later, Jon pulled up to the campsite and parked his car. Jon turns off the car and leans over and gives Kaylyn a big kiss on the lips. "We are here my dear. I hope you like it. “Jon said as he got out. Kaylyn got out of the car and looked around. Kaylyn saw the camping site had a big fire pit and tons of trees surrounding the site. Kaylyn put some of the stuff on the wooden picnic table. "It is pretty here and so peaceful. I like it already. “Kaylyn said. Jon set down the box of wood and started to work on the tent while Kaylyn helped set up dinner. Jon finished putting up the tent and put their things inside. Kaylyn set some paper plates out and put some hamburgers on top of the plates. "Thank you my dear. “Jon said as he leans up and gives her a big kiss on the lips. "You’re welcome Hun, so Jon did you takes Nikki here a couple times?" Kaylyn said as she sits down in front of him. "Yeah, I was going to take her here but the accident happened. But that was then and this is now. I come here when I want to think alone or to hunt without pack duties or worries. This is my place to relax and I wanted to share it with you." Jon said as he takes Kaylyn’s hand into his. Kaylyn smiled at him. "I feel honored that you want to share this wonderful place with me."  Kaylyn said as she started to eat her burger.  "You should feel honored Kay, you’re the best thing in my life and I do love you and I just want you to understand me a little bit more." Jon said as he finished his burger and put the trash in a trash bag. Then Jon came and sits down next to Kaylyn and wraps his arms around her. Kaylyn hug Jon tight and started to clean up.

    Jon looked at Kaylyn as she cleaned the stove and the pan. 'I must think of when to ask her to be my wife. Maybe tonight just before I change since tonight is the full moon.’ thought Jon as he gets up and starts a fire. "Kaylyn, can you come here when you get a chance.  There’s something I want to ask you. “Jon said. Kaylyn walked and sat down next down to Jon. "Yes Jon?? What is it?" Kaylyn said as she looks at him. "It’s nothing just something I've wanted to ask you. “Jon said as he looks into Kaylyn’s eyes and takes her hand. "Kaylyn, I just want you to know that I love you more than anything then life itself. You helped me heal from a broken heart and learn to love someone as wonderful as you. I've been thinking about this question a lot that I'm going to ask you. But I know now that I want to spend my rest of my life with you, and only you. I want to wake up to you every morning and go to bed with you every night. So Miss Kaylyn Cox, will you marry me?" Jon said getting down on one knee and showed her a sliver band with a heart shaped diamond.  Kaylyn blushed red and gasped. Kaylyn was speechless and she just nodded her head yes to Jon. Jon smiled and put the ring on Kaylyn’s hand. "I love you Kaylyn and I'm so happy now. “Jon said and leans in and gives Kaylyn a passionate kiss. He held her close. "I have to change tonight but I wanted to ask you that question before. I'll be watching over you my love. “Jon said as he gave her another passionate kiss on the lips.

”Oh ok Hun. I’m speechless right now. But I love you too Jon. You go and change. You can lay with me as a wolf if you want. “Kaylyn said as she wraps her arms around his neck. Then Kaylyn looked at her ring with a happy face. ”Ohh I might like that. Though, Hun I might be naked when I turn back into a human. “Jon said leaning down to kiss her on the lips.”I know that, just leave some pants out so you can change. “Kaylyn said.”Ok, I'll do that Hun. Now you can go rest in the tent and I'll change into a wolf. I'll howl when I'm done changing ok?" Jon said. "Ok Hun, I love you. “ Kaylyn said crawls into the tent. "I love you too. See you in a bit. “Jon said as he started to take off his shirt and pants. He set down his pants by the tent flap. He changed into a wolf and howled. Jon walked toward the flap and Kaylyn opened the door and got Jon’s pants. Kaylyn let Jon in. "Hey my wolf-fiancée. I got your pants and I'll lay them down next to me. I changed into my pajamas while you were out there."  Kaylyn said as Jon lies down next to her. Kaylyn puts an arm around him and hugs him tight. Then she lies down on her foam pad and gets into the sleeping bag. "Night Jon, I love you very much. “ Kaylyn said as she falls asleep.

 'Good night Kaylyn my love. I love you too. Have sweet dreams.’ thought Jon as he gave Kaylyn a small lick on the cheek. Then Jon falls asleep next to Kaylyn.  As dawn as approaching, Jon woke up and got his pants in his teeth. He got out of the tent then changed back into a human. He put on his pants and then crawled back into the tent and laid down next to Kaylyn and putting his arm around her waist. He nuzzled his face into her neck and sniffed her hair. ‘She smells wonderful as well she is a great woman. I love her so much.’ Then he finally fell asleep with Kaylyn in his arms.

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