Chapter 9

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The next morning, Kaylyn woke up to the sunlight in her eyes. She looked up and saw how nice Jon looked in the morning light. She leaned up and gives a small kiss on his lips. She grabs her things and went into the shower. As she got out cleaned and wet hair, Jon was stretching and Kaylyn couldn’t help but to admire the way he did it. "Morning Jon, how did you sleep?"Kaylyn smiled. "Ohh good morning Kaylyn. I slept great and I feel great knowing that you were next to me. “Jon said as he walked up close to her and gave her a kiss on the lips then he pulled her into a hug.”Oh really? Well, I'm going to make some breakfast. What do you want me to fix my dear?" Kaylyn said wrapping her arms around him "Oh no, you’re not cooking. I'll make us breakfast my dear since you made such a grubbing breakfast before. I want to show you how I can cook. I love you. “Jon said kissing her forehead.”Alright, if you cook I'll do the dishes then. I love you too. “Kaylyn said as she walked toward the kitchen and smiles at him.

”Ok it’s a deal. I'll make you a mean French toast. I bet I can make it better then you can." Jon said as he got out a pan and some eggs. "Oh really now? I have to take your word about it. “Kaylyn said as she sat down at the small kitchen table.”You know what Kaylyn? I use to make breakfast for Nikki all the time when she was alive and when we were together. I know now she would have wanted me to move on to be with you. Cause as I was thinking last night about how you won that fight. Nikki must have picked you out and sent you to me for a reason, as well as God has chosen you to be with me as well. “Jon said as he cracked some eggs into the pan.”Really? I had the same feeling of that last night when I won the fight. When I had fainted, I thought I saw Nikki in front of me telling me that she wants me to help you move on. I felt God and Nikki’s words in my head encouraging me to win and to be with you. Nikki said that you needed me to help you move on and I do want to help you heal from the pain. I love you and you know that. “Kaylyn said getting up and wrapping her arms around his waist.

”After breakfast, I may tell you about me and Nikki. You have the right to know my love. After all you helped me heal and be able to love again. “Jon said as he put two pieces of bacon into the pan and set the eggs on two plates. Then he turned around and gave Kaylyn a big hug and a kiss on her mouth. "Are you sure? I don't want to cause you any pain of bringing up her death. “Kaylyn said after the kiss.”Yes I'm sure. It would help to tell you then to keep it up all bottled up inside. “Jon said as he looks into Kaylyn’s eyes then he put the bacon on the plates and put some bread into the toaster. Kaylyn put the two plates on the table. Kaylyn sat down as Jon got the toast and set it on the table. They both ate in silence. Kaylyn said. "I love you Jon and thank you for breakfast. It was really good. I hope Brittany doesn't come after me since she lost the fight the other day. She looked pissed, when she left didn't her?" "It will be alright, you will have me watching over you and Jamie as well. Most importantly it will be me watching you. I don't want to lose you. You’re the most important person in my life. I love you too. “Jon said as he put his hands over hers and looks into her eyes. Kaylyn smiled as she finished eating and got up to start on the dishes. Jon came up behind her and set his plate in the sink as Kaylyn finished up the dishes. Kaylyn thought and prayed that retelling the story of what happened with Nikki as well as hoping that he can get over loving her. But she knows she can’t rush a person to get over somebody that quick. It does take years or more to get over the grief of losing someone you love so much. After Kaylyn had finished the dishes, she dried her hands on a towel and sat down next to Jon on the couch and lays her head on his shoulder.


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