Chapter 6

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The next few days where most of the same, Kaylyn didn't talk about the kiss with Jon the next day in class. But she was looking forward to the second date. She heard that Jamie got hurt and couldn't make the shopping date. So she went with Alice and she got a nice short sleeved dark blue dress that went down to her knees. On the day of the date, Kaylyn got in to the dress and showed it to Jessica. "Well, would you think he'll like it?" Kaylyn asked. "Girl, you look good. He would be nuts not to like that dress on you. “Said Jessica smiling at her.”Thanks, I don't know now would be a good time to tell him how I feel about him. “ Kaylyn said sitting down on her bed.”You’re in love with him aren't you?"Said Jessica. "Ohh... I think I’ am. I like him but I want to know for sure if I feel is real you know?" Kaylyn said as she got up and put on some perfume. "I understand. Well have a good time with him. After I finish up some homework, I may go out with Eric tonight. “Said Jessica as she turns and faces her books.”Ok, I got my key. “ Kaylyn said then all of the sudden there was a knock on the door. Kaylyn looked through the peep hole and there was Jon in a black suit with a white shirt under the jacket. Kaylyn sighed and said "I'll be back later. Have a "good time" with Eric." "Oh I will. Have a good time. “Said Jessica as Kaylyn opened the door. Kaylyn smiled and look at Jon’s face as he took her in. Kaylyn smiled to herself as he saw his eyes almost burst out of their sockets. "Hi Jon, how are you? I'm ready. “ Kaylyn said.”Ohh. H-Hi Kaylyn. You look beautiful. I'm fine, thanks for asking “Jon said who held out his arm for her to take.”Thank you Jon. So where are we going tonight?"Kaylyn asked as she takes his arm and they walked to the elevator. "I thought I would take you out somewhere nice. So it will be a surprise. “Jon said with a smile that melted Kaylyn’s heart.”You know you don't have to do this. I mean I'm nothing special." Kaylyn said as Jon opened his car door for her. "I want to Kaylyn. You are special. You saved my life and I'm thankful for it. “Jon said as he walks up to her and gives her a small kiss on the forehead.”Thanks Jon. “ Kaylyn said as she gets into his car.’ He must like me to think I'm speacial.'thought Kaylyn as Jon got into his car.

 They drove into town and parked at a Red Lobster. "I didn't know if you like seafood or not. But I have to know, have you had this place before?"Jon said. "Oh yeah! I love this place. I like some seafood “ Kaylyn said smiling at him.”Good, cause we are eating here right now. “Jon said getting out opening the car door for her.”Thank you Jon. I should mention that is place is one of my favorite places to eat once in awhile. “ Kaylyn said getting out.”Oh really? I'll have to take you out for your birthday. “Jon said. "He you'll have to try during the snow cause my birthday is in January. “ Kaylyn said as she smiled at him. "Really, Kaylyn once we get inside there is something I wanted to tell you. “Jon said looking into her eyes.”Oh ok, is there a problem?"Kaylyn asked. "It’s nothing bad. I just want to talk to you “Jon said putting a hand on her face. Kaylyn walks into the restaurant and sat down at a private booth. After Kaylyn and Jon had ordered, Jon took Kaylyn’s hands into his. "Yes Jon?" Kaylyn said looking into his bright blue eyes. "Kaylyn, I had wanted to say what’s on my mind and heart. But I just don't know how you’re going to react to it. I want to see you more Kaylyn."Jon said looking more directly into her eyes. "What are you trying to say Jon?"Kaylyn asked blushing. "I really like you Kaylyn and I want go out with you more and be with you. I thought you were cute when I first saw you and though I thought little of you. But as I saw you more, the more I wanted to get to know you. Kaylyn, I think I'm in love with you. “Jon said looking at Kaylyn.”What? You love me?"Kaylyn asked blushing more. "I do. With all of my heart. I wanted to say I'm sorry if I kissed you the other night without your permission. But I wanted to know what your lips feel against mine. Now Kaylyn if you don't feel the same. I would understand. But Kaylyn it feels so much better on my heart that you know how I feel. “Jon said as he leans closer to her.”Jon, I didn't know you felt that way about me. I think I love you too Jon. When I'm with you, I'm happy.  As for the kiss, I didn't slap you up the side of your face didn’t I? After you kissed me I felt a little drunk. “ Kaylyn said as she leans and gives Jon a small kiss on the lips.

”Oh Kaylyn you don't know how happy you made me. I could get up and do a back flip. I love you Kaylyn."Jon said smiling at her. "I love you too Jon. You better not do the back flip in here because you may make a mess. “ Kaylyn said smiling.”I know, but you just make me feel blessed right now. “Jon said holding Kaylyn’s hand. As the food arrived, Jon and Kaylyn had talked more. After they left the restaurant, Jon pulled Kaylyn into a big hug. "I just want you to get use to it. The feel of my arms around you."Jon whispered into her ear. "Ok, I don't mind you holding me. As a matter of fact I like it a lot. “ Kaylyn said wraps her arms around him.”Want to go dancing?"Asked Jon. "Sure, I would love to. “ Kaylyn said getting into his car.

   They left to go to the club. At the club Kaylyn started dancing with Jon. Kaylyn realize that Jon was a good dancer. Jon liked the way Kaylyn was moving to the beat. ‘I love the way her body moves like that’ Jon thought as he put his hand on her hip and pulled her close to his body. Kaylyn smiled as she started to dance with Jon. She ran her hand up and down his body and enjoying the feel of it.  They both took a break and head toward the bar.  Kaylyn had seen a girl looking at Jon with a wanted look in her eye. Jon pulled Kaylyn toward him, Kaylyn smiled at him. Then all of the sudden, the young girl with short black/red hair came up and said. "Hi Jon, are you alone tonight?" in a sexy, but whinny voice. "Oh, hi Brittany and no I'm not alone tonight because I'm with a great girl whom I'm in love with. “Jon said as he pulled Kaylyn closer to him. "Oh? Her? She's ugly! I bet she can't please you enough like I did before you dated Nikki."Brittany said as she started to wrap her arms around Jon’s neck. "Yes her! She is not ugly! She is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. She is the one who got me through the lost of Nikki. I thought I could never love again until I met her! I love her. “Jon said in a loud voice when he removed Brittany’s arms.”Oh, well fine then go to that thing you call a girl. “Brittany said as she walked away.”I'm sorry, Kaylyn. She was a girl I had a little "thing" with before I met Nikki. She still can't get over the fact that, I don't want her anymore or to be with her. So she gets really jealous whenever I bring a new girl. Nikki though could kick her butt and she stayed away most of the time. But now that you’re in my life, Brittany will be coming around. “Jon said as he leads Kaylyn outside the club.”It's alright Jon. Hey if I need to, I could kick her ass so that she can stay away from us. Also, did you mean what you said about I was the person to learn to love again?"Kaylyn asked blushing. Jon turned and wraps an arm around her and looks into her eyes. "Yeah you can, give her a good lesson. Yes, I do mean it. I really care about you Kaylyn. I have to tell you the story of me and Nikki sometime, but not right now. I'm just happy to be with you. “Jon said leaning in to give her a passionate kiss.”Alright, you can tell me about Nikki when you’re ready. I can wait for you to tell me when you’re the most comfortable. “ Kaylyn said after the kiss. Jon took Kaylyn home, as he walked to her door. Jon looked into Kaylyn eyes and lean in to give her another passionate kiss on the lips. "Good night Kaylyn. I love you and I'll talk to you later “Jon said hugging her tightly.”Night Jon. I love you too. See you later “whispered Kaylyn into Jon’s ear. Jon pulled away and decided to give her another kiss on the lips. Kaylyn smiles as she shuts the door and puts a hand over her heart. 'I'm in love. I love Jon.’ thought Kaylyn as she got ready for bed. She fell asleep dreaming of the great night

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