Chapter 7

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After a few dates and a couple months, Jon was in bliss, he confessed his love for Kaylyn now that he must tell her his other secret. But he didn't know a good time to do so.  He may of thinking of telling her on the night of the full moon. That way it will be proof enough. 'I hope she doesn't get scared and ran off, though if she does. I’ll be hurt and I might go mad. But I'll still protect her no matter what.' thought Jon as he got ready for bed.  Jon crawled into bed and all of the sudden there was a text message from Eric. It was about how the pack they had killed was only part of the actual pack. That the rest of the killer packs where going to take revenge on them. "Oh no! There was more? Damn it! I want to keep Kaylyn safe and how can I with the rest of this killer pack coming? I must tell her the truth tomorrow. The full moon is out tomorrow." Jon said as he grappled his cell phone and called Kaylyn. "Hey Kaylyn, sorry to wake you babe, but there is something I want to tell you. But I want to do it tomorrow night, are you busy tomorrow?" asked Jon on the phone. "Uh hi Jon, it’s ok, and no I'm not doing anything. Is there anything wrong?" Kaylyn said. "It’s nothing at all. I just want to tell you something important. Just meet me in front of my apartment tomorrow around 7 ok?"Jon said. "Oh ok Hun. I love you. Have a good night. “ Kaylyn said hanging up. Jon put his phone down and laid his head down to sleep. He thought about Kaylyn’s reaction and worried that she'll be too scared to be with him. 'I don't want to lose her; if she left I would be crushed. She is the reason, the only reason I had learned to love again.' thought Jon staring at the celine and rolled over to look at a picture of him and Kaylyn smiling together at the camera. 'I must keep her safe once she knows about my secret and about the others. Even if she runs, I will keep her safe from harm’s way.' thought Jon as he fell asleep.

The next day, Kaylyn was happy and yet worried about what Jon is going to tell her tonight. She got up and dressed and hummed a tune while she brushed her hair. She was a young woman in love. She had glad to meet Jon and if everything goes ok through Christmas, she might have a bf to take home to meet her folks. She was nervous at the fact of Jon coming home to meet her parents and her family. ‘I wonder if Larry will clean out his gun in front of Jon just to scare him off. I hope not, but I know my aunt will start to flirt with him. Plus, then Fred will start giving him shit.’ Kaylyn thought with a laugh.

  As the day goes by until 7, Jon came to the door. Kaylyn smiled and opened the door. "Hi Jon, what’s going on?"Kaylyn asked. "I'll tell you when we are alone ok?" Jon said taking Kaylyn’s hand as Kaylyn locks the door. Kaylyn gives Jon a kiss and said "Oh ok Hun." As Kaylyn and Jon goes into the car toward the woods near Jon’s apartment. "Why are we here?" Kaylyn asked. "Kaylyn, I love you, but there is something about me that isn't normal." Jon said as he got out of the car. "What is that? You’re a monster of some sort?"  Kaylyn said jokingly “Well...What if I am?” "What you’re a monster? You’re not bull shiting me right?" cried out Kaylyn.

"No, Kaylyn let me just say that you heard of werewolves?" asked Jon. Kaylyn nodded her head. "Well I am one. If you don't believe me. I brought you here so I can show you. If you get scared and run off. I would understand if you don’t want to speak to me ever again." Jon said taking off his shirt and getting out of the car. "What? No way! Is that why you don't want to go on dates on the full moon?" Kaylyn said as she followed Jon outside. "Yeah, turn around because I know you don't want to see me naked. At least not yet. “Jon said.”How about you turn around and I just see your butt. That way I know you’re not lying to me."  Kaylyn said. "Oh, don't worry. I won't lie to you. I would never lie to you about something as serious as this." Jon said turning around and takes off his clothes then starts to transform right in front of Kaylyn. While he was transforming, Kaylyn thought how nice of a butt Jon had as he knelled down and after a line of strange bone cracking noises, standing in front of her was a large sliver/gray wolf with blue eyes. "Jon? Is that you? Just give me a sign to let me know that you. “ Kaylyn said starting to feel weird talking to a wild animal that could kill her. Then the wolf just walked up to her and licked her cheek as well as rubbed its head against her. "Jon, you want me to leave? Cause I don't know if your buddies would want me here. Plus I need time to process this ok?" Kaylyn said as the wolf looked at her and nodded its head and then sent a thought to Kaylyn’s head. ‘I can talk to you through your thoughts. I don’t do this with most humans or any humans at all. I only do this with my pack. It is how we communicate with another. I love you and I trust you enough so you can read my thoughts as I send them to you. “As Jon walked with her to the edge of the forest. The wolf pointed its beautiful head toward his apartment and picked up Jon's keys with its mouth and handed them to Kaylyn. "Well, that’s neat. So you’ll send me a thought if something were to happen to you when you are a wolf? I don’t want to lose you. But do you want me to stay at your place? While you’re a wolf for the night?"

The wolf nodded and sent a thought to Kaylyn’s head. “Yes, that way I know you’re safe from harm. I’ll protect you all night. I’ll see you in the morning.”  "Ok, Jon you need to explain why are you telling me this as well as who else is a werewolf."  Kaylyn said kneeling down to the wolf’s height. The Jon/wolf came up and said “I will in the morning. Get some rest my love. It makes me so happy that you didn’t run away from me. I love you. I’ll tell you more about my werewolf side and the rules about my pack and more. In the morning, good night my love.’ Jon thought as he licked Kaylyn’s cheek and Kaylyn hugged it. The fur of Jon felt really soft yet there is some course hair growing from him to will protect him from the harsh cold. "I believe you about the transforming part. I'll talk to you tomorrow morning. I'll make you some breakfast. After you get some sleep of course,”  Kaylyn said walking toward Jon’s apartment. Kaylyn’s head was full of confused feelings and was kind of numb at the thought that her boyfriend turns into a wolf every full moon and that there is problem more wolfs that she might know about but she believes him. He must know that there is some trouble coming or something. "I do love him, no matter what he is. He means a lot to me.  But I don't know what’s going on. That must have been the real reason he got hurt. By other wolfs of some sort,”  Kaylyn said as she lies down on his big bed. After what she had endured, she couldn’t get any sleep so she got up and took a shower to clean up as well as to get rid of the cold feeling. She put on some of Jon’s things and laid down in his big bed. She thought Jon made a beautiful wolf but a part of her brain told her that he could be dangerous and she should stay away from him. The other part to her, that Jon was a good guy or wolf. He could have killed her on the spot if he wanted but he didn't. "He loves me. He told me right out before he transformed. “ Kaylyn said as she fell into a sleep but some times in the middle of the night waking up to a couple nightmares. But then she finally went to sleep.

   Jon on the other hand, was glad that Kaylyn didn't run when she saw him transform. Now he ran back to join his pack as he saw Kaylyn get into his apartment safely. He ran into Eric and he told Eric that Kaylyn knows about him. "Oh you told her huh? That good, she needs to know that we mean to protect her and other humans. She didn't run away? She is brave for a human girl. We'll protect her now that she is your mate." Eric said as he walked next to Jon. “I know I have to explain who we are and who are wolfs as well. I just wanted to turn back into a human and kiss her. But I couldn't but I sent her to my apartment. I think she believes me about the wolf thing. But right now we need to focus on the killer wolf pack that should be coming to kill humans as well as our mates and I rather die than to let them monsters hurt my Kaylyn." Jon said as he flashed his teeth. “I agree with you but with Jessica. I would rip their throats out if any of them hurt Jessica." Eric said growling. "I want you to send word to the others to keep watch and scout out any movements or any notice of the wolves. Then report back to me so we can plan to kill them out or talk to them about leaving. “Jon said as he ran toward the edge of the forest and kept watch for any movements.

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