Chapter 4

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Kaylyn woke up happy and refreshed. She saw Jessica was in bed asleep with some hickies on her neck. Kaylyn smiled and got up and took a shower and dressed to get ready for a job interview at the schools bookstore. After she got back from the interview, she went to the Union building to get something to eat. She saw Jon there getting some coffee. She looked down and smiled a little as she sat down at a small table near the window and set down her small breakfast sandwich and soda. She got out her book and started to read. She looked up a couple times and saw the Jon had noticed her and started walking toward her. She quickly looked back down at her book until she heard Jon say "Hey is this seat taken?” Jon asked looking at her. "No, it’s not you can have a seat Jon. It’s nice to see you again. "Kaylyn said smiling at him.

”It’s nice to see you too Kaylyn. I had hoped I had another chance to see you again. I was wondering would you like to go on another date with me. Just a nice date on a Friday night. “Jon said. Just then a young woman with black hair came up next to Jon and said hi. "Oh hi Jamie, this is Kaylyn the girl I told you about. Kaylyn, this is Jamie. My older half-sister." Jon said. "Hi Kaylyn, it’s nice to meet you. I want to talk to you alone if that’s ok?" Jamie said smiling at her. "Hi, it’s nice to meet you too and ok."Kaylyn said as she walked behind Jamie. Jamie and Kaylyn went into the girl’s restroom. "I'm glad to have a chance to meet you and I want to get to know you. Jon is a brother to me and I'm watching over him. I wanted to make sure you’re a nice girl and I thought you want to hang out on Sunday?"Jamie said.  "Ohh yeah that would be awesome! Can Jessica come along as well?”Kaylyn asked. "Yeah let’s do a little girls day out! That would be much fun!"Jamie said smiling. "Let’s get back to Jon to show that you didn't kill me and left my body in here to rot. “ Kaylyn said jokingly "Yeah I agree with you. Just to let you know Jon has other girls who might be worried about him. Ever since the lost of Nikki, he doesn't seem happy at all. But now I see him looking at you and I can tell that he has some feelings for you. But I'll tell them, he's in good hands. Do you know what you are going to wear on your next date with him?" Jamie said as she redoes her hair. "Uh, I don't know. “Kaylyn said. "Oh well girl, I'll help you look for something on Monday." Jamie suggested. "Oh ok that works. “Kaylyn said. "Now let’s get back so Jon doesn’t think I'll killed you or something." Jamie said smiling as she left with Kaylyn to join Jon at the table. "Hi, we're back. So Jon what time do you want to pick me up?"Kaylyn asked smiling. "Oh hey, hush I was thinking around 7:30 or so?"Jon said. "Ok that works. So I'll see you in class on Thursday Jon!"Kaylyn said as she left.

  Later on that day, Kaylyn smiles happily as she left with her drink to go walk towards her new friend’s apartment. The apartment complex is place real close to the school.  Her new friend named Alice. Alice was having some trouble getting some work done and Kaylyn asked to help her with some of the problems. As she was walking toward the apartment, she saw Jon half-naked walking toward the pool. 'Huh, he must live here too. Nice body.’ thought Kaylyn as her saw water going down his hairless and muscle chest.

She stopped to stare then she shook herself.  She smiled and walked toward Alice’s apartment and hung out with her. "Do you know Jon O'Connor?"Kaylyn said. "Oh Jon? Yeah has my neighbor. He’s a good neighbor. Always quiet and never disturbs anyone. Why do you ask?"Alice said as she was looking through her window at Jon at the pool side. "Oh I don't know, I'm somewhat seeing him. But I didn't know where he lived until now. “Kaylyn said.”Ohh you’re the new girl he's been dating. “Alice said.”Yeah we only been on one date and is planning taking me out on another soon. “Kaylyn said.”That nice to hear, he seemed so down this past couple years. He rarely dated even if he did the girls where bitches to him. But I hope you will treat him better, so about homework. How did you get the problem in Math?"Alice asked as she brought her math book out. Kaylyn and Alice worked on homework and as Kaylyn was leaving she saw Jon coming up the stairs wet from being in the pool. "Hi again Jon, did you just take a nice dip in the pool?"Kaylyn said blushing and trying hard not to stare at his nice ripped body. "Hi again Kaylyn, yes I did and it was refreshing. What are you doing here?"Jon asked. "Oh I came by to help one of my friends with homework. I didn't know where you lived, but this is a nice place. “Kaylyn said as she walked closer to Jon. "Oh ok, it is a nice place. It beats living in the dorms any day."Jon said smiling at her. "Well, I hate to cut this chat short but you’re dripping wet and I've got some things to do at my room, but I'll talk to you later.” Kaylyn said going by him and trying hard not to stutter. "Ok, wait! Kaylyn I'll be right back. “Jon said as he ran back into his apartment and got his cell phone with him.”What’s your number? So if you want to talk you can call me “asked Jon. Kaylyn gave him her number and she got his number on her cell phone and as she turned to leave she gave Jon a small kiss on the cheek. "I'll talk to you later. See-ya later Jon!"Kaylyn said waving. Kaylyn smiled and took Jon’s picture in her phone.  She put the picture of Jon shirtless on her wall paper. She walked back to her dorm room and started getting ready to start her work the next day.

    Jon was nervous throughout the time Kaylyn and Jamie were in the bathroom. Jon got a text saying how the rival wolfs haven't done anything yet. Jon texted pack to keep him posted about everything. 'I hope Jamie likes her, I may want to date her some more.’ thought Jon. Jamie was a close friend to him and she watched over him. As well she was his second-in-command if something should happen to him in battle or anything.  Then as he thought about this Kaylyn and Jamie came out. As Kaylyn left, Jamie said "You were right, she is a nice girl. Plus, I think she really likes you Jon. She's sweet and she is looking forward to you taking her out again. “Jamie said."I like her too. Tell the others about her. That way I'm not repeating myself thousands of times. “Jon said. "Will do, oh and Jon just to let you know I'm going to help her shop for a new outfit for your date with her. “Jamie said smiling as she walked away.’Oh boy, Jamie is helping Kaylyn with an outfit for our second date? I think I'm going to be in trouble of keeping my or other hands off of her.’ thought Jon as he finished his coffee and went back to his apartment to go swimming. As he got his towel, changed into his swim trunks, and then walked toward his apartments’ pool. He saw Kaylyn going toward his neighbor’s apartment and he started getting nervous. He just went to the pool and went for a swim. After he swam for awhile he got out and saw that Kaylyn was leaving so he got up and started to walk toward his apartment with the towel around his waist. He started to get nervous again. But he walked up to Kaylyn and started talking to her. Then he got her number before she left to go home. Jon smiled and got in the shower and cleaned up. As he cleaned up his apartment in which he hadn’t noticed gotten really dirty.

There was a knock on the door, Jon went up to the peep-hole and there was Eric looking tired. Jon open his door and said "Eric what’s wrong?" "Jon, Its Jamie she got attacked by the rival wolfs just not too long ago. You need to be there right now!”Eric said. "What? Is she ok? I'll be right out. “Jon said as he grabbed his keys and locks his apartment and leaves with Eric.”She’s fine, but she got hurt bad. She's going to the hospital. But the pack needs you right now. “Eric said.”Ok go on I'll be on my way. “Jon said as he and Eric ran into the woods and Jon took off his clothes and set them down and changed into a wolf and ran up to join Eric and the others to help protect other people. When Jon and Eric came up the rival wolfs. Jon said "What are you doing here? How DARE you attack one of our females! We haven't done anything wrong with you. If she dies, you'll pay dearly for your lives!"Jon said growling at them. "That human we attacked earlier was one of you? No wonder she tasted different. No less. We are hungry and we plan to feed on the humans. We have nothing against you. Though you’re alpha male has a tender looking human girl, who was with him earlier. I bet she tastes really good.  Very pretty as well.” ”DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON HER! IF YOU DO YOU'LL PAY DEARLY! WHO ARE YOU?"Jon growled. "Ohh I take it you lay with your food? My name is Edward. I’m telling you since you’re not going to live long enough to tell anyone of it. What a waste of a human.  Well if you don't want us to eat her, we'll just eat other humans. “Edward said.”No, you'll not feast on any human at all. If you do, we of the Lone Moon pack will kill you. “Jon said growling.”Fine you'll have to kill us then. Though I don't think you'll do a good job. "Said Edward and he attacked Eric. Jon growled and howled and attack the other three wolfs. He sank his teeth into a darker brown wolf and broke its neck. But in between the wolves, Jon was attacked by one of them. He growled and then killed the one who attacked him in the first place.  Then Jon jumped on the one who was on Eric.

When Eric got free he went to help Jon with the other two. One of the young males of Jon’s pack brought down one of the others while Eric brought down the last one. "Good job everyone of protecting the humans. Now let’s go and bury these vermin then we can go home. “Jon said as he let the other wolfs buries the dead ones.”How’s your wound Eric?"Ask Jon looking at Eric. "I'll be fine. At least Jess knows about me. “Eric said.”Eric, how did Jess handle you telling her this?"Asked Jon. "She thought I was nuts at first but I showed her me as a wolf but she is now ok with me being a wolf just as long she doesn't see me fight or get hurt or come to see her in my fur. “Eric said. "That’s good, now go home and get some rest Eric. We all need it. “Jon said walking slowly home. Jon was massively bleeding from his shoulder and hip when he transformed back into a human. Jon ripped his shirt and tied it around his waist until he got home. Jon got home and he held his hand to his waist. He texted Kaylyn to come see him and help him. As Jon trying to get up, Kaylyn knocked on the door and when Jon opened up and saw Kaylyn gasping. Jon looked at Kaylyn and smiled and tried to say hi but he passed out.

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