" Her drinks on me" The redhead offered and I shook my head. " Her drinks on her" I interceded and them looked back at the red head "Thanks but no thanks" I said with false empathy. However, my quick words didn't phase him. He must be used to getting turned down.

He chuckled a little " Don't you at least want to know my name before you completely shut me down?" He asked with a grin and I just smirked. " I think I'm fine without it" I replied taking a sip of my screwdriver.

" You are fine without it. And it's Jarex, Jarex Brett" He noted looking down at my body. It wasn't that much to look at. I was just wearing a black tank that showed at little cleavage and hugged my athletic frame. My blonde hair was in beach waves. The only jewelry I wore was my my father old wrist watch a simple Andorian mood ring that showed yellow at the moment for unsettled or annoyed. I just rolled my eyes as he continued to pester me with questions. It was kind of funny that he was trying so hard, there were plenty of other skanky broads in this bar he could go pick up.

" You know if you don't tell me your name I'm going to have to just make one up for you" Jarex pressed and I sighed doing my best to avoid his bright green eyes. " It's Jailee Kirk" I submitted after a beat. His face lit up with a boyish grin once I finally answered.

" Jailee? Perfect, that was the name I was going to make up for you" He said showing a smile of pearly whites. I snorted a little at his response " Well isn't that just amazing" I said getting a tad annoyed now. Was he really not getting the hint yet? Sulzarions seriously are dense.

" Oh come Jai you should let loose a little" Jarex encouraged. I was literally two seconds away from just lighting this guy up. " Have you ever seen that movie " She's just not that into you"?" I asked with a like sneer grin.

He rose a brow looking just a little offended " No in fact I haven't" He replied still maintaining his fuck boy smirk. " Well maybe you should. Because I can see straight through your pretty face and cute little smile" I said crossing my arms as I could see his ego deflating. " So take this invitation to go and fuck off" I added harshly. I knew it was rudd but I didn't really give a shit.

He looked ready to reply when a different voice broke in. " Why the hell are you talking to my brother like that?" A female voice asked a I turned to see not one but three Sulzarion females and each wore a red Starfleet uniform.. Great. Like I said earlier, Sulzarions were very protective of their families.

They were all easily taller than I was and had long red hair. The one who had addressed me stood in the middle and I immediately noticed that her makeup was ridiculous. She wore so much highlighter that you could have used her face for a flashlight. Her blush was deep red and covered the entirety of her cheeks in a cake like manner. And her eyeliner wings must have been so far extended that they could touch her ears.

The two other girls had similar clown makeovers and we're both over 6 foot. Average Sulzarion height for women is 5'10 and I'm just 5'8. Fantastic.

" Well tell your brother here to stop hitting on girls that are out of his league" I replied with a smirk earning a look of disgust from the three girls. " That must be some kind of joke, why don't you just apologize to my brother" The one in the middle said with an air of haughtiness. Ugh, these people really do think they are better than everyone else.

" Your eyeliner is a joke sweetness, do yourself a favor a find a makeup wipe quickly" I insisted and I could see the little flit of her eyes as she became self-conscious over her eye makeup. She didn't let it show for long " Maybe you can't count but there are three of us and just one of you" She stated taking a step closer to me. Oh they wanted a fight now, fights went uncommon in this bar. I had been apart of quite a few in my lifetime. This one could either go really well or really bad. And it was 3 against 1 so the odds went exactly slanted towards me.

" Ok well then go some other people and then it will be fair" I suggested and turned to go back to my screwdriver. But suddenly a manicured hand reached out grabbing the scruff of my tank top turning me around and I felt a sudden punch to my face right next to my nose. The sudden impact took me by surprise and left as little ringing in my ears but I could still hear the hyena like laughter from behind me. I took a breath taking my drink in my hand and turned around in under a second slamming it down on her head. She was easily startled ss I took her by the hair and brought her face to my knee.

Unfortunately, the other two were not so phased and the tallest of the two attempted to tackle me and we both ended up falling onto a one of the many wooden tables ruining somebody's get together in the proces. I couldn't hear Lefre's yells nor the screams from random girls around me. I was stuck underneath her and she got around solid punch on me before I took my nails that were long due for a cut to her face. I raked them over the left side of her face from the cheek down earning a screech of pain.

I took this opportunity to roll out from underneath the larger woman. And stood up with my side leaned against the bar as the third came at me and she was easily the fastest out of the three. She went for my neck first as a cheap shot which I barely deflected. Jesus that hurt. But then ducked as she tried to deliver a blow to my face and came back up with my right fist to the underside of her chin. The punch knocked her back a little and I went to kick her but two as caught me from behind. Pinning me in a full nelson with my arms stuck and the fastest one smirked at my now vulnerable state. I think The tallest one had me pinned as I struggled but to no avail.

Then the fastest one began punching my stomach and face as I kicked out at her. Her punches were hard and fast and I could see Lefre out of the corner of my eye struggling against Jarex as he spigot to help me but Jarex was far larger than he was.

I groaned as she hit my nose drawing blood but the a loud whistle rang out through the entire bar with a shrill note. I was immediately released from the full nelson and fell on top of a non broken wooden table and coughed loudly aS I felt blood in my mouth. " Everybody out!" A loud male voice commanded.

I sniffed looking at the source of the sound that came from a middle aged man with greed hair and a grey Starfleet uniform own that signified importance. He looked at me with steely blue eyes that held moderate curiosity.

" You can whistle really loud you know that?"

(Yea I know, for those of you who have read my Spock fanfictions "Curiosity" then you already know a fair bit about Sulzarions. I changed a few things about them such as the pinky thing simply for interests of this fanfiction.)

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