Chapter 11

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Teeth shattered as Titania sent a skull cracking punch to a Spaniard. She didn't know what he expected when he called her a witch during training; at least now, he knew the consequences.

He spat out blood, rubbing his fractured jaw but smartly remained silent. Just sent a piercing glare her way. He got back up and she whacked him again, sparing no mercy during training, especially when so many powerful wolves were watching.

Titania had already fought two males this morning who sought to challenge for the Alpha position, one being the apparent peaceful Belgium Alpha, Louis, and another a head warrior from Spain. She had shown those males who commanded these mountain tops and now, saw her as a threat. A rightful threat.

"Watch your mouth next time or I'll do much worse than break your jaw." The menace hung in the air and the Spaniard slunk away, tail between his legs.

Garth threw her a towel, which she caught and eyed the retreating male. "You'd think they would learn."

"Clearly not." She wiped the sweat that clung to her skin, then wrapped the towel around her waist, "Just got to beat the stupidity out of them."

"Usually works," Garth chuckled. "It did with us."

Her eyes scanned the grounds. Landing and staying on a familiar tanned figure on the rings furthest away. Fighting against a broad-chested male. Her eyes sparkled as she took him in, glistening skin. Raw eyes. Fire burning throughout his posture as he took on his opponent. Garth grinned at her, as she had missed what he had said twice now. Too distracted by her mate to properly register the conversation. 

Titania could feel the bond. Tug. Twist. Tear through her restraint. Two days ago she nearly lost that control and marked him by force. Something she swore would never happen again. She was letting the bond mess with her and it nearly cost her, cost her dearly. Titania may be broken but she'd never intentionally break her mate, even with the hatred that coursed through him, even with the rejection, she was drawn to him. And subconsciously cared enough to leave him alone.

Despite that she found herself leaving a sniggering Garth and was making her way to Nathan. She kept her distance as not to distract from the spar. With a keen eye, she observed their technique, careful to not let her eyes wander the wonder that was her mate. 

The rogue sent her a warning growl at her proximity but the spar took his attention away. Once against focused on his opponent he fought hard, innately wanting to show his strength and ability to protect for his mate. A primal instinct that he tried to shake away. His opponent found this second lapse of judgement and managed to clip Nathan's leg. Jolting his core balance, Nathan toppled over, his opponent straddling him and sending punch after punch to his face. Nathan didn't give up, instead, the fire churned within his gaze as he fought back with new found determination.

She noted the flaws and moved on. Giving the males their critiques before focusing on the next pairing. For standing around Nathan too long brought her inner beast out to play and she didn't like the dark, lingering thoughts that the primal beast desired.

Nathan sneered at her notes, to focus. As if he could do that with her standing around, with her scent tempting his wolf. She had praised his drive, which he found hard to believe at first. He thought she was being sarcastic, but he soon found that she was giving notes on how to properly channel that energy and not fight as sloppy, as she had called it.

He found no traces of sarcasm or snarky wit. She gave him and his opposition some pointers before moving on. He scratched his head in confusion. Titania was messing with his head.

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