[Twenty Seven]

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"I just.. I'm not happy. I want to leave, but to where? Nowhere will I be accepted, nowhere could I really go. I just want a break. I honestly have too many dark thoughts swimming around my head, especially for someone of my age."


This was uh... this was me feeling like an idiot during the beginning of my sophomore year of high school. 

I was super stressed over a Chemistry test I had the next day (I felt like I was going to fail), my algebra two teacher made me feel stupid ever since she said: "this should be review for you guys" and I literally never learned the topic. 

I just really felt like an idiot and like I just wasn't retaining any information. At the time, I was exhausted and my tendonitis ridden legs were in pain.. just a bad time.

Although I am unsure, I may have still been fourteen at this point since I didn't turn fifteen until October, two months after school started...

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