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mike wheeler's pov
   The sound didn't stop, as I had hoped for.
   In fact, it only got louder. As the biggest and loudest thunder rolled in, Will covered his ears with his two hands and squeezed his eyes shut. I placed my own two hands over his instead of caring to my own ears.
   I could feel his soft hair against my fingers and his warm hands under mine. I shifted my fingers so that they stroked his hands to calm him in any way possible, if it was.
   He squeezed a tear out and I knew this wasn't going to end soon, so I announced that I was going to take him upstairs. I did just that.
   At first I held his shoulders and stood him up, his hands still covering his ears. He wouldn't budge for I also knew the sound would be louder upstairs. But I just wanted away from Lucas and Dustin so we wouldn't get teased for our affection.
   Even though I was weak, I picked Will up as if he was a five pound bell. I took many breaks, a total of five minutes to get all the way to the top of the second flight of stairs. I wasn't weezing but I wasn't calm. I was scared, not for me, but for my baby.
   My baby.
   The words echoed in my head as I whispered it to myself. The thunder slipped away from my hearing range because I was so focused on elsewhere.
   How could I say that? He couldn't be mine, for anything, besides my best friend.
   And he wasn't a baby.
   Although I wish he was mine. He doesn't have to be a baby....
   I almost yelled aloud for even allowing myself to think like that. It seemed as if I had some sort of crush on him.
   What I hadn't known at the time was that I really had had a crush on him.
   Will almost dozed off in my arms even as I carried him up the squeaky stairs. The thunder boomed slightly less, but not enough to forget. I laid him on my bed and found a pair of winter earmuffs on my dresser, bringing them to him. I took off his hands from his ears as he finally opened his eyes, his tear stained cheeks red and his eyes almost bloodshot.
   "Are you okay?" I asked stupidly.
   "Do you need anything of the sort?"
   "Warm me up or tuck me in," and then adding, "please."
   I agreed for both, untucking my covers for him to slip in. Will lifted the end with one arm for me to slid in also.
   As Will started to doze off again, I lay awake still. I was mad at myself for calling him mine, and a baby.
   I assumed he was asleep because you could hear him clearly breathe in and out of his nose.
   "Will, I just wanted to let you know, you're safe now. Nothing can hurt you. I'm protecting you. I'm your knight in shining armor. You don't have to protect a princess, I have to protect a prince. I'm accepting the fact that I'm calling you mine, even thought you don't know. Like you're my prince. Not Dustin's, not Lucas's prince. My prince! It feels good to say that. Well, goodnight prince," I said it softly into his ear while he was cuddled into me. I was talking to myself, I knew.
   Of course, so I had thought.
   I cursed to myself for saying that. Why would I ever do that? I said stupid, pointless things. I'm not gay, I don't have a crush on Will. And he's not my prince! I can't believe I said that! ALOUD! What if he... WHAT IF HE... heard?!! God I can't believe those words even came to my mind, let alone came out my mouth!!!
    I must be drunk.
   A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

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