"That would be Subaki and Oboro," he said. I searched for them, vaguely remembering who they were.

'Subaki, Oboro, I need you to fly to the destinations I'm sending to you. There, you'll pick up Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, respectively, and get them back here as quickly as possible. Is that alright?'

'Of course,' said Subaki. 'A pleasure. I'll head there now.'

'As will I,' said Oboro.

'Sakura, Sasuke, I'm sending someone to pick you guys up. Minato-sensei and Lord First, Second, and Third, we'll be needing you here. Kakashi, take Gai and a few others and prepare to battle Obito, once again. As the only other wielder of Kamui, Kakashi, your role is inevitable and irreplaceable.'

They all responded with affirmatives.

'I'm on my way,' said Minato. Knowing he would be here in literally a few seconds, I quickly located Naruto.

'Naruto, your father's on his way. The best thing you can do right now is to spread your chakra cloak to the rest of the alliance – or at least, as much as you can. That Ten Tails isn't going to stop anytime soon.'

'Got it!' said Naruto cheerfully, likely at the prospect of meeting his father. I glanced down below. Naruto, easily recognizable by his flaming cloak, was moving fast. Kakashi had located Gai. Minato-sensei's chakra signature was getting closer, and very quickly.

The Ten Tails began to build up a bigger Bomb – one of the same magnitude he'd tried to launch at HQ. Bee wouldn't be able to counter this – not even with Naruto's help. I wracked my mind, before finally realizing something.

'Minato-sensei!' I practically screamed at him. 'The Tailed Beast Bomb – you can transport it!'

'I'm on it!' he replied, and a few seconds later, I just barely saw a streak of yellow, and then the bomb disappeared. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

'Kira, we can create a barrier to contain the Ten Tails,' said Lord Third, the other Hokage agreeing with him. 'We've almost arrived.'

'Thank you,' I said. 'Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto – once the Ten Tails is trapped, the three of you will launch a combined attack to greatly weaken it. I don't think you should aim to destroy it, especially when it's attached to a person. But until Obito finds a way to truly become a jinchuriki, this'll do.'

'I'm going to completely destroy it,' Sasuke announced. 'And then I'll become the Hokage.'

'Hey, hey, Sasuke-teme! Is this a joke?'

'Not at all. I'll beat you any day.'

'Calm down, kids,' I said, rolling my eyes. 'Sasuke, I'm telling you not to worry about destroying it. Just land a solid hit, yeah?'


'Shikamaru, keep watch and take an opening when you see it. Lord Hashirama is going to battle Madara. They're legendary, sure, but...'

'But even the most powerful shinobi have brief openings,' Shikamaru finished for me. 'No problem. I'll relay the message to those around me.'

As I watched, the previous Hokage arrived on the scene, getting to work immediately with the barrier. Hashirama diverted from the rest of the group, making for Madara immediately, who prepared to battle his former rival.

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