Deadly Knitting Needles

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"Azumi!" cried Naibu; one of the many children of our village.

Turning around, I picked him up and sat him on my hip.

"Mamma said that you had a present for me!" He cocked his head to the side. I gave him a soft smile as I handed him a lollipop. His green eyes shined brightly as he shoved the lollipop into his mouth.

"Naibu! Come play tag with us!" Mai, another child, waved at Naibu. He began wiggling in my grip till I set him down. Then, he sped off to play with the other children. I turned and was about to walk off until I was stopped by somebody's chest.

"Hey babe." The village player, Seiji, winked at me. I blew out an annoyed sigh.

"Go away, Seiji. I'm busy." I tried to walk around him, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Now, don't be like that." He leaned forward till he was whispering into my ear. "You know you want me." Yanking my wrist from his grip, I shot him a glare.

"In your dreams." I growled before storming off towards the forest around the village.

Seiji is a well-known player in our village and pretty much every teen girl is head-over-heels in love with him. I will admit that he is good looking, but I do not like him. His attitude annoys me to no end and, to make things worse, he will not leave me alone.

Leaning over, I began to pick some flowers and plants from the ground. I placed them in a basket and turned to walk back to the village.

The reason I'm picking these plants is because I use them to make a herbal tea. I created this tea, and I drink it every week. Nobody else will even try it so, more for me!

After reaching my house, I slipped through the open door to see my mom angrily...knitting.

"Um, what's got you so angry?" I asked as I sat the basket down on the kitchen counter. She shot me a red-eyed glare before starting her rant.

"I went to the council this morning to ask if I may speak with the elder. Do you know what they said?! They said that the elder was not speaking with or seeing anyone today. So I said I would come back tomorrow and they told me I still wouldn't be able to speak with him. When I asked why, they freaking kicked me out! And your father is on the council! He wouldn't even stand up for me! When he gets home, I'm going to freaking stab him in the neck with this knitting needle." She then held up one of her needles.

I let out a nervous laugh before scurrying to the stove. I pulled out a pot, poured some water into it, and began to boil the water. After a couple of minutes, I added the plants and flowers to the water.

"Your poison water stinks." My mom commented from her chair at the table.

"It's herbal tea." I stated bluntly.

"Herbal tea my butt. That stuff is going to kill you one day and I shall laugh at you." I rolled my eyes and poured some of the tea into a cup. Sitting at the table, I took a sip of it.

"It's not as bad as it smells. You should try it some time." My mom scoffed as she continued knitting. "I should come up with a name for it. Hmmmm...How about wild tea? Ram tea? Azumi tea?" I pondered.

"How about death tea?" She grumbled. I shot her a scowl before turning my head towards the door. The door opened and my dad walked through with a tired look on his face. I noticed my mom become very rigid.

"What is that god awful--?" He was cut off by my mom launching at him with a knitting needle. A sweat drop appeared on my forehead as I watched her continually try to stab him. My mom is strange.

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