"So what is up with the guy, you guys broke up so why are you at his house?"

"It's complicated."

"No I get it, you still have feelings for him, and you where leading me on. I really like you Alyssa." What? That's what he got out of that.

"What? I didn't lead you on. I said yes because I like you. I had a great time tonight." I have to admit when he said he liked me I blushed. I think I may have accidentally told him I liked him as well.

"You like me?" He says showing a cute smile. Yeah I definitely slipped that in. "I guess that's what my mouth said isn't it?" I laugh trying to make a joke out of this. He starts leaning in and I do to. I don't know what came over me but I just all of a sudden wanted to kiss Ashton. He closes the distance between us by sealing my lips with a short kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I nod biting my lip. When he leaves I wait until I'm inside to freak out.

"Alyssa?" Crap. I forgot the girls for a minute. "Who was outside with you?" Fizzy asks. "More importantly why do you look so happy?" Lottie asks.

"Just some boy. He dropped me off. We kissed and he left." I rush out the last part hoping they don't caught it.

"Wait. Back up. You guys kissed?!" Fizzy asks sorta surprised. "What about you and Louis?" Daisy asked.

"What about him?"

"You guys are supposed to be true love and get married and live happily ever after. Like the movies."

"Sweetie. I will have true love and my happily ever after, so will Louis. Just not together. You don't always find true love at first."

"No that's not true! You and Louis love each other! You have to!" Daisy says she starts crying. "Alyssa, you and Louis were meant to be together. You're the beauty and he's the beast. They hated each other at first but she loved him. That's what you guys are." Phoebe went on.

How do I out this without hurting them? "Who know maybe we are. In that story he hurts Belle and she leaves but she comes back, but right now we are anything."

"That's not true. We can see that you two love each other. Too much to let each other go." Is that true?

"You wouldn't be here watching us if it wasn't because you loved Louis. Even if you are to afraid to admit it." They do have a point. Wait what? "Look sweetie. There comes a time where two people can't be together, even if they do love each other. Alright?" I say as nicely as I can.

"You just don't believe." I wish I could believe what they are saying, but I don't even know what love is anymore. "Girls get ready for bed. We're not talking about this anymore." I snap. I don't know. The topic of Louis and I is a touchy subject. I haven't talked much about it. It's cute that they think of us as the princess movie movie 'Beauty and the Beast.' But we aren't like the movies.

*Louis' P.O.V.

"What do you mean I have stay later!?" I shout at my boss.

"Louis sales where bad today you have to stay and sell more." Aaron say. "I can't! I have to get home! My sisters need me!" I saying pounding my fist down.

"They also need you making money. The only way you'll make money is by making more sales than Dylan's gang." My boss knows Dylan and I have been at each other's throats since we were 13. We are rivals. "Can you get someone else to do it tonight? I have my girl- I mean my friend watching my sisters and she wont stay all night." I say.

I can't decide whether being friends is a good thing or not. I mean it benefits her, and maybe I can have another chance, but then I would want more. Why does this have to be so hard?

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