Chapter 5

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*Alyssa's P.O.V.

Walking into Mr. Webster's history class, and I have to sit by the kid in the back of the class with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hey," he said over to me. I look around to make sure he's talking to me.

"Um... Hi?" I said unsure of myself.

"I'm Niall, and you are?" Well, he's a friendly person, way friendly than Louis.

"I'm Alyssa," I said with a smile on my face.

"When do you have lunch?" Niall asked me with a questioning look.

"Um... Next" I said looking down at my schedule.

"Great you should sit with my friends and me! It would be great!!" Niall is one perky boy, but it's cute. Just like Niall. He does have a few tattoos, but they aren't like Louis. He's also a lot nicer than Louis.

"I'm already sitting with my friend, but thanks for the offer."

"Who's your friend?"

"MaKenna, I don't know what her last name is, sorry."

He nodded and pulled out his phone flipping through it. He pulls up a picture,  and says "This MaKenna," and it was the Kenna I was talking about.

"Yeah, that's her!" I exclaim.

"Well you could say I know her, she's cool. I'm friends with her brother though."

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Niall! I guess I'll see you at lunch. I might sit with you not sure yet."

"It's fine I understand."

Mr. Webster walks up to the front of the room. Telling us the assignment. "Now you can pair up with someone, or work alone if you want. Just be ready for our test tomorrow."

"Wanna work with me?" Niall leaned over.

"Sure, what's the worst that could happen?" I laughed.

*time skip to the end of class*

The bell rang and I started packing up.

"Okay class your homework is to finish the review if you haven't yet." I rushed out the door ready to get to lunch. I get there and find Kenna.

"Hey, Alyssa! How was last period?"

"It was amazing."


"Yeah, I sat by this kid, Niall, and he invited me to sit with him." Her smile faded.


"But I told them I'd sit with you, and why didn't you tell me you had a brother?" I said curiously.

"Oh him... I uh... I guess it wasn't important, but I'm the second child of 5 siblings."

"Really!? I'd love to meet your family!!"

*Kenna's P.O.V.

"Really!? I'd love to meet your family!!" Great. She wants to meet them.

"I'm sure they'd love to meet you too!"

It's not that I don't like my family, I love them, it's just that my brother will probably scare her away. He always makes my friends distance themselves from me.

"Do you have a ride home?" I asked desperately changing the subject.

"Uh, yeah, more like forced to go home with him." She said.

"Who's taking you?" I already know the answer to this but you never know right?

*Alyssa's P.O.V.

"Louis." She nodded.

"Hey, Aly! Hey Kenna!" I turned to see Niall.

"Hey Niall, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Nothing just wanted to talk to Kenna for a little while."

"Okay! I'll go get lunch while you two talk?" I asked. Niall had sat down and started a conversation with her ignoring me completely. Oh well, I guess it's important.

I walked over to the lunch line. I got my lunch and went to find a place to sit since Kenna, and Niall got up and left. Weird.

I just found an empty seat and sat down. Then Louis shows up, with 3 other boys, and sits down.

"What do you want Louis?"

"Just sitting by you so everyone knows you're mine." I laughed and continued to eat.

"I'm not some toy you can buy from the store. I'm a human being that likes to be treated right." I said getting up to throw my trash away. I felt a hand grab my wrist, tightly.

"Louis, let go." I struggled to get out but is grip just got tighter.

"Louis, you're hurting me!" I whisper shouted. He turned and looked at his grip releasing allowing me to walk away from him to throw away my food. I don't even bother to sit back at the table. I run out of the lunch room bumping into someone. It was Niall.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!!" He just laughed it off.

"Hey, it's fine." I nodded and found MaKenna. I do not want to tell anyone about the events that just happened. I found Kenna by her locker with some friends I think.

I pulled my jacket sleeves down hiding the bruise and walking over to her.

"Hey, Kenna where'd you go? I completely lost you?"

"Oh, Niall had to talk to me about something. Then I found my friends, sorry."

"It's fine."

"Okay well, this is Hannah, Millie, Summer, and my boyfriend Devin." She said pointing to them.

"Guys this is Alyssa."

"Wait, Alyssa. You're in my 3rd period! Science with Mr. Dyer?" Millie said.

"Yea that's me!" Then the bell rang, and I headed to my locker. When I get there I see Louis.

"What do you want Louis?" I asked.

"So I can't just come to your locker to see you instead of being accused of wanting something?!" He raised his voice.

"Whatever, I'm going to class." I pushed past him. He grabbed my wrist pulling me back.

"No, you're not. I'm walking you to class and you will sit next to me." He spat. I only nodded, because he scares me.

"Good." He said grabbing my hand intertwining our fingers and walking me to Miss. Kinkert's class.

"Tomlinson you're late!" And she turned and saw me and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry Candace, but I was showing my girl her way to class." He said emphasizing the word my.

"I'm sorry, please take a seat, Mr. Tomlinson, and Miss Hansel." This is one of the teachers that puts her desks in pairs great. Louis lead me all the way to my seat. I sit down and start doing the assignment on the board. Then I feel my thigh get warm. I look down and Louis is touching my leg stroking it.

I have to say its a sweet gesture, but it's distracting.


"I'm taking you out tonight." He interrupted.

"Thanks but no thanks, I'm meeting up with a friend tonight"

"You don't have a choice. I'm taking you out and that's final."

So what do you guys think!!! I really want your input!!! A lot went on in this chapter sorta! How about her making friends!?

Until next time

Break your arm

Forget the world

Rock out


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