Chapter 49

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Chapter Songs:

U.N.I by: Ed Sheeran

Sirens by: Cher Lloyd

*Alyssa's P.O.V.

I was now in the end of 4th period which I share with Kenna, Louis, Dylan and Dana. I was just starting my work when Dana walks over. "Hey Alyssa! Um... have you met Maddi yet?" I shake my head.

"No I haven't seen her around."

"Thanks, and probably because we both transferred here today. We actually met up in the office turning in registration and all."

"Oh first days are hard, don't worry with this school you find friends easily." I say gathering my things as my teacher released to go to our next class.

"Hey, I'll see you after right? For lunch?" She nods.


I smile and hold my hand for Maddi to shake it. "Hey Maddi, I'm Alyssa." Dana just introduced me to her. She has Brown, dirty blonde hair mix.

"Come on let's get you and Maddi to lunch." I say grabbing their wrist and dragging them to the lunch room.

"Hey guys this is Dana and Maddi, they are both new here."

"Dana, Maddi, this is my best friend Makenna, Perrie, and Emily." I say sitting at the table with the girls.

"Have they met the boys yet?" I shake my head.

"No, I wasn't  sure if they would want to."

"Of course, we love making friends." The girls get excited and walk over to the boys table. As I drag behind them.

"Hey boys!" Emily says giving Niall a peck. Perrie does the same and it makes my heart hurt knowing that used to me, coming here everyday to see Louis.

I know it's wrong to think of stuff like this when I have a boyfriend but I can't help it.

I take a deep breath and sit between Louis and Perrie. Louis leans down to my ear. "What's wrong?" He whispers.

"Nothing, it's nothing."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake me head.


"Are you sure, you look like a lot is one your mind."

"I can't Louis."

"I'm lost here Alyssa, what can't you do?"

"I can't tell you that I miss you." I snap and the whole lunchroom is silent with a couple of whispers.

"Would you excuse me?" I say getting up leaving the lunchroom to clear my head.

*Louis' P.O.V.

"I can't tell you I miss you." she snaps.

"What is that about?" I think Alyssa's friend Dana said.

"I'm not sure, I'll be right back guys, I'm going to talk to her."

Who would've thought that would come out of her mouth? I sure didn't. As I'm walking to find her and talk to her I'm stopped by Ashton.

"Hey Tomlinson!"

"What do you want?" I snap.

"I really don't like you hanging out with my girlfriend."

"Why is that?"

"Your putting thoughts in her head making her think she misses you. That's bull if you actually think that. You hurt her pretty bad and now she has me."

"You can't tell me what to do I'm not afraid of you."

"Do we need a repeat of last time?"

"You wouldn't dare." I warn him.

"Oh but I would. I have many ways I can do it to. Many people to help me this time." He says.

"Fine, but I'm going to talk to her then it's done." 

*Alyssa's P.O.V.

Why is this happening? Why did I have to get involved with Louis? Why does he cloud my brain constantly? Why am I not happy?

I have the perfect boyfriend, one that treats me right. Ashton and I have been dating for a week and my mom seems to love him. I should be happy that I found someone like Ashton.

He will break your heart. He's not who you think he is.

My mind reminds me of Louis' words. Maybe that's the reason I'm not happy, I'm afraid of finding out how he will break my heart.

"Alyssa, can we talk?" I'm saddened when I see its Ashton instead of Louis.

"Yes of course." I say patting a seat next to me under this tree I'm sitting under.

"No I don't think that will be necessary." I stand up so I'm eye level with him.

"Alyssa. I don't think hanging out with Louis is such a good idea."

"Ashton, I've tried that but he's everywhere. He lives with my best friend."

"Then stop listening to him, he.doesn't love you, he never did." Who do I believe more? Louis? or Ashton?

"That's not true Ashton."

"Wow, you guys aren't even dating anymore and he still has you fooled. I haven't lied you have I? Who should you believe more?"

"It's not about who I should believe Ashton. I believe Louis more than I do you." I tell him and his fist is clutched.

"Why? He never treated you like he should!" He shouts at me.

"Ashton. Calm down. I'm with you, but I haven't known you long enough okay?!" I fight back. His face is completely red and he raises his hand.

A/N: Mwuahahaha who about that? Alsthon Drama! Alyssa's outburst! What is going to happen? What abut Louis and Ashton, they have some kind of past what do you think happened? Comment what you think is happening, or maybe even how much you hate me.

So yeah. I literally started writing this as soon as I got home, took a nap in the middle and finished it! I seriously can't believe I'm already on chapter 49. The next one is going to be big! So it may take me a week or so to write it.

Dana, (or anyone named Dana or Maddi) I'm sorry you weren't in this chapter that much I promise you will soon.

Until Next Time

Lets build a snowman in the middle of April


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