Chapter 18

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*Small rant below if you care*

*Louis' P.O.V

"I'm sorry? What? I didn't catch that." She says standing up putting her arms around my neck. "My secret ingredient is love." She looks at me confused. "Wait? Are you saying-?" She cuts herself off but I know what she was about to say. "You know what, forget I said anything." I say walking away. She grabs my hand, "Lou, nothing to be ashamed of."

I scoff. "Yeah, but I have an image to protect, I don't need people thinking I've gone soft." She rolls her eyes, "Lou you can tell me, but tell me when your ready to."

"Why do you put up with me?" I ask. She shrugs. "I guess because I've seen the real you. The way you treat your sisters, you actually care about them. That's when I started to like you."

"But you almost said no. Why didn't you?" I don't know why I want to know all this stuff. She breathed deep waking me from my trance. "Honestly, I don't know."

*Alyssa's P.O.V.

"Can we stop asking sad questions and do something?" I say making him laugh. "Of course love. What are you in the mood to do? And don't say shopping." He said referring to last nights conversation.

"Can we watch movies all day until it's time for me to go home?" He nods, "Of course love, anything for you." He says pecking my lips. "So how about I go get us food and you pick out the movies?" I nod smiling. "Good, because I was going to do it anyways." He says walking off to get the food. When he walked off the girls rushed in.

"He was just about to say it!!! Eeeek!" Lottie shrieks. "Lottie, if you don't stop I'll never hear him say it." I say laughing. She gave me a mocking laugh. "So what are we doing today?" Fizzy says.

"Well Lou and I are having a movie day, and I'm supposed to pick the first movie." They nod and start whispering to each other. "We are going to pick the movie!" and they all leave but Kenna.

"I wonder how I'm related to them." She say walking over to me sit next to me on Louis' bed. "Hey I'm sorry we haven't hung out in a long time." I say. "Hey it's fine, you being here is fine." I sigh. "No it's not, how's this I'm taking you shopping later. Now it won't be today, but we can go tomorrow maybe."

"Really?" I nod. "Yes, and I'm so sorry it can't happen today. It's just I have to be home by 6, and Lou kinda wanted some time with me. You know without you girls."

"Then why doesn't he take you on a date?" I laugh at her question. "You see he was going to, but I have to be home by 6 today and I think it would be best if I wasn't asleep from running around all day." She nods. "Why do you have to home so early?"

"My dad's coming in. My mom wants me there to eat as a family tonight and that kind of stuff." I explain.

"But you're taking Lou?" I nod. "Yes, because feel bad for having to cancel the date he planned, so I invited him to properly met my parents this time."

"I take it your mom wasn't fond of the way she met him?" I shake my head. "Not exactly."

"Well I wish you luck." I smile. "Thanks babe."

"Who are you calling babe?" Louis says coming back with the snacks. "Sorry bro but you've been replaced!" Kenna says with a straight face.

"Oh really?" Louis says with a smirk. Oh no. What's he doing? "Kenna I'm going to kill you!" I shout to her as she leaves his room. "So you've replaced me?" He says moving closer to me. I stand there quiet as he keeps moving. I just start giggling like crazy.

He hugs my waist and kisses me softly. I smile into the kiss and cup his cheeks kissing him back. He pulls me closer than creating less distance between us deepening the kiss. I start running my fingers through his hair causing him to moan. He starts licking my bottom lip asking for entrance. I teasingly don't give him access. I take it he didn't like that because he squeezes my sides causing me to gasp. He takes this opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues were now battling, but it didn't take long for Louis to win. He explores my mouth more, giving my thighs a push encouraging me to jump.

I jump up and wrap my legs around his torso. He gently places his hands on my waist walking over to his bed and placing me down not once breaking the kiss. I tugged a little on his hair and a moan escapes his mouth. Louis suddenly slides his hands up my shirt, placing them on my stomach. I moan at the coldness of his hands, he smirks but never once breaking the kiss. Then he slides his up farther making me uncomfortable, until he slides them up to my bra. I pull away from the kiss leave a few centimeters between our lips. "Louis."

"Shhh baby." He says pushing his lips back to mine. He starts nibbling on my bottom lip fiddling with my bra clasp and seconds later it's unclasped. "Louis no." I warn pushing him back a little. "Alyssa, just calm down." He says kissing me harsher than before starting to pull my bra off. I push him away from me.

"Louis stop! I'm not ready for that!" I slightly yell, fixing my bra and walking out of his room in tears. "Alyssa? Are you alright?" I wipe my tears and see Fizzy looking at me with worried eyes. I nod. "Yeah. It's uh.. Nothing, where your sister?" I say holding back the tears.

"Well the four of us are watching t.v. I just so happened to walk out to get food, and the other one is probably in her room." I nod walking up to her room opening the door. She looks up from the bed. "Oh my gosh! What happened!?" She get up hugging me and I just sob on her shoulder. I hate when people see me cry, but right now that's all I could do. "Shhh. Calm down. Tell me what happened." She say rubbing my back.

"L-L-Louis." I stamper out. She moves so I'm facing her. "What the hell did he do?" I explain everything that happened a few minutes ago. "He's such an idiot. I swear. I'll be back to comfort you after I beat his ass." She says walking out of the room.

*Louis' P.O.V.

I really don't what came over me. I don't blame her if she doesn't want to talk to me again. I get up frustrated and walk up to the living room seeing the girls watching Spongebob. I wasn't really paying attention. "Louis?" I turn to Fizzy. "What do you want?" I say rather rudely, but they are used to this level. It's not to extent, just minimal. "Well, I guess everyone's in a bad mood here." She states. "What is it Fizzy?"

"How come Alyssa was crying?" She asked. Did I seriously make her cry. I groan in frustration. "Nothing you'd understand yet." I say getting up to go talk to her. "Hey girls have you seen Lou- there you are." I'm sure she knows what happened. "Please just let me talk to her! I didn't realize what was coming over me."

"Sorry I can't, I'm supposed to be beating the crap outta you. So I'm going to punish you and not let you talk to her." She's say sticking her tongue out and walking up to her room.

A/N: Sorry for the crappy and short update, I've had an awful week and I'm stressed out lately. Apparently I'm not allowed to someone what they want to hear. I'm sorry for talking about my problems. Right now, I've been ranting for 5 days straight about the same person.

Anyways, aside from my drama.

How did you like this chapter??

Until Next Time my Penguins


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