Chapter 6

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*Alyssa's P.O.V.

"You don't have a choice. I'm taking you out, and that's final."

"Well what if I have plans already?" I asked. Which isn't a complete lie.

"Cancel them." He said shrugging.

"I can't just cancel my plans tonight, for a date I don't even want to go on!" I snapped.

"Then what are your plans?" He asked. I looked to the ground thinking of a believable one, but couldn't think of anything.

"That's what I thought." He said moving closer to me. I moved to the other end of the table until I couldn't more anymore.

Stupid tables. Always in the way.

I just turn back to my work trying my best to ignore him.

I was halfway through with my work when he grabbed my hand and started playing with my fingers, and I pulled away.

Then I got a text.

Do you and Louis have a thing going on?  - Kenna

I looked at wide eyed. Before I could reply Louis grabs my phone, and types something then hands it back to me. Okay?

My phone vibrated.


Wait? Brother? What is going on?

Brother? What? -Alyssa

Brother? I didn't say brother. -Kenna

A: I have proof you said brother -Alyssa

So...? HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME! You said you hated Louis. -Kenna

OMG! Louis is your brother?! And I didn't lie. -Alyssa

Then explain why you said Louis and you had a thing going on. -Kenna

Louis took my phone and typed that. -Alyssa

Okay so there's nothing going on between you two?  -Kenna

Never in a million years -Alyssa

I put my phone away. As the bell ring I get up to leave, and Louis wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

"I'm giving you a ride, met me at your locker after this class!" He whispers slowly in my ear, licking it.

I wipe my ear in disgust, and head to chorus with Mrs. Kristen. I walked in and heard a squeal. I look to see how was squealing and see that it's Millie and Summer.

"Oh my gosh!!! You're in this class! AHHHH!!!" I just laughed at them. These girls are crazy.

"I'm sorry I didn't get your ages how old are you?"

"17" Summer said.

"I'm 16" said Millie.

"Okay guys I'm Mrs. Kristen, and I only say that because I see we have a new student today. Miss Alyssa stand up, please." I stand up wave, and put a friendly smile on my face.

"Okay so since I have to get stuff ready for my music appreciation class, you guys have free time." Mrs. Kristen said. Love this teacher already

Millie and Summer both turn to me and say, "What are you doing tis afternoon?"

"I have a date." I say mostly to myself.

"What!? With who?"

"Louis. Please don't tell Kenna I told her there was nothing going on between us, and he didn't give me a choice."

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