Unlocking the glass doors, I strutted inside of the main sanctuary I have on this earth and turned the closed sign on the opposite side, displaying the word open in big, bold, black letters. With all that's happening today, I doubt anyone would come in here, but it never hurts to try. Inspecting the building, everything was exactly how I left it three days ago. Since no one is coming, I decided to start on a painting that's been floating in my head since I had a dream about it last night. As soon as the paint brush touched the canvas, everything surrounding me drifted into the thin air. My only focus was on the future masterpiece ahead of me.


Hours had passed without a single interruption and I was able to complete two new paintings that held immeasurable meanings to me. They reflected my past and the present. Becoming emotional, I sniffed repeatedly as my eyes began to cloud from the bucket of tears that started spilling. My sobs bounced off the walls, causing them to echo throughout the building. Caught up in the feels, I didn't hear when someone came in, catching me at my weakest point.

"Are you ok?" I heard him ask. I hadn't heard his voice in five years. God really works in a mysterious way. Wiping my face free of tears, I nodded my head, never looking back. I wasn't strong enough to stare this man in the face. "Suri, lo-"

"Melrose." I cut him off, still staring at the canvas. "My name is Melrose. Don't call me that anymore."

"Melrose?" He retorted. "Since when did you go by your middle name?"

"Since I made the decision to. Now, will you get out of here?" I spat, thick venom lacing my voice.

"Is this any way to talk to a potential customer?" He queried in such amusement. "I came in here to buy a painting I saw two weeks ago, but I'm more interested in these two masterpieces. Are they up for grabs?"

Sighing loudly so he could see how annoyed I am with him, I nodded slowly. "Sure. What are you offering?"

"Whatever your price is."

"It'll be five thousand for both of them." I dryly replied. His presence alone bothered my soul immensely and I so badly wanted him to disappear just as he had done our senior year of college.

The sound of shuffling noises, followed by the flipping of paper filled the room before he softly grabbed onto my arm. "When you have a customer who's willing to purchase from you, you're supposed to show exceptional gratitude towards them and so far, your service is terrible."

Knowing he had a valid point, I hesitantly turned my body precisely a hundred and eighty degrees, meeting the eyes of the man who's a part of the reason I'm a broken woman. I immediately became lost in his light brown orbs as they pierced through my body. His six feet four stature stood tall over my five foot four figure. The last time I saw him, he was scrawny with a piece of a chest and no muscle mass whatsoever. Now he's standing before me looking like a delectable chocolate snack. His muscles were visible through the thin white t-shirt that clung to his masculine frame and tattoos adorned his arms. A neatly trimmed full beard sat comfortably under his chin that connected with an almost full mustache that adorned his upper lip, inches under his perfectly pierced round nose. Although it was dull outside, his dark caramel skin glistened so bright, showing how flawless it was. Not a pimple or dark spot in sight. His once bushy untamed brows were now in the shape of two tiny crescent moons and his famous low hair cut had now welcomed a nappy looking high fade with the sides cut low. Needless to say, the man had the entire package physically wise. I can't say anything about his personality because we haven't spoken in ages. Snapping out of my trance, I cleared my throat, fighting with myself to keep eye contact. So far, I was losing.

"Will ten thousand do?" He queried, peering down at me.

"They're only five." I choked out, clearing the invisible knot in my throat again.

He nodded. "I heard what you said, but they deserve more than that. Your work is outstanding and I wouldn't feel right if I didn't give you more." He outstretched his hand to me, giving me a check and a wad of money.

"That was all I had on me, so you have to cash the check to get the other half." He explained what I already knew.

Looking at the heap of money he'd given me, I sent him a small smile, showing my appreciation but also to keep him from thinking I'm letting my guard down. "Thank you. You really didn't have to double the amount, but I'm grateful."

He returned the gesture, only his smile reached the side of his face, giving me a nice view of his cocaine white pearls and pink gums. "It's no problem. So, can you explain to me the meaning behind these pictures? I think I have a good idea what this one means, but I need you to clarify.

Nodding swiftly, I turned back to the canvas but slightly stepped over to give him a view of them. It's so weird how he waltz in here after I created one of my pieces based on my emotions for him. "Well, I'm sure your thoughts about it are right because you inspired me to paint this. Um, the eye is, of course, mines and inside of the eye, there's a man who represents you- walking away. You turned your back on me and broke my heart, hence why the eye has tears." I explained straightforward. There is no need to sugarcoat anything because he was standing next to me. Out of my peripheral view, I caught him biting down on his thick bottom lip as he stared ahead in deep thought.

 Out of my peripheral view, I caught him biting down on his thick bottom lip as he stared ahead in deep thought

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"I have to go." He said abruptly, catching me off guard. "Can you have these sent to my house or am I supposed to pick them up?"

Slightly frowning, I wanted to slap his skin off for being rude, but I decided to stay on the tolerant route. "You can get them now since you've paid already."

"No, I can't chance them getting wet. Is it alright if I leave them here and stop by another time to get them?" He asked, still not looking at me. Someone needs to practice what they preach, I thought.

"Usually I'm not supposed to do that, but I'll be lenient since you're a first-time buyer and you gave me more than what I asked for."

"I'll see you next week Suri." A hint of sadness was in his voice, but I'm the one who should be feeling a certain type of way. Before I responded, he had started his journey towards the doors and disappeared down the sidewalk. Shaking my head at his ill-mannered behavior, I grabbed the canvas and took them in my office for safe keeping thinking about him.

"Still the same old Raine."

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