chapter forty one

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My brother wonsucc is at 599 FOLLOWERS. He literally just needs one more to be happy and flip out 😂 He loves kpop, especially VIXX and BTS. He has published stories too so if you want, please go follow him :) and maybe read his stories??? THEYRE GOOD!


towards the end of the night, we laid on the couch with each other on our phones. im pretty sure jimin was scrolling through his instagram feed as well as me, because occasionally he'd show me a funny meme or cool picture. id laugh or smile at it, but i was more invested in what i was looking at.

only 1 minute ago, seokjin had posted a screenshot of his texts with yugyeom, apparently. i was going to scroll by and didn't think much of it, since he posts texts of them sending kissy emojis and all that. but this one didn't have any emojis, and it was not nearly as positive as usual.

in the post, yugyeom was texting things like "what is wrong with you", "i hate you" and "why would you do this". seokjin was texting things back like "im sorry", "please forgive me", "please stop!". i didn't know the backstory, but i didn't need to once i saw this next text;

i know where you live, seokjin. i'm gonna take a visit and beat you up so bad that you'll be unconscious for days.

seokjin replied with many texts such as stop!", "im sorry!" and "please don't do this!". yugyeom didn't reply or read any one of them.

he sent his threatening text only 3 minutes ago, and the last couple minutes seokjin has been begging him to stop, and then posting this on his instagram. there was no caption below the post.

i would say that seokjin always ruins my time spending with jimin, but that's a lie. he doesn't "ruin" it. i quickly sat up and said goodbye to jimin abruptly, and i did feel bad that i was leaving him so suddenly. he looked sad and confused, but i waved with a smile before shutting the front door behind me.

i ran down the street, hoping yugyeom was not at seokjin's already. when i arrived on his street, his house was right down the sidewalk. i ripped open the door and there was seokjin on the couch, crying. he looked relieved to see me walk in, and i was assuming yugyeom wasn't here yet.

and from that moment on, i was not mad at seokjin, and i could tell he felt the same. we ran toward each other for a hug, and the door whipped back open as we did. yugyeom arrived but looked much more mad than i thought.

"get out, seokjin doesn't listen to your threats, and neither do i." i stated.

"uh huh, sure," yugyeom said as he brushed by me and speed-walked toward seokjin. i grabbed his arm and pulled him away and i realized i was much more stronger than i thought.

"what the fuck man??" yugyeom yelled, now approaching me. he got his fist pulled back to throw a punch, and i thought i was gonna get it straight to my face, since i barely have self defense.

but seokjin grabbed his arms at the last second and shoved him toward the door, making him fall down the stoop. i walked over and looked down at yugyeom, slamming the door and locking it.

as i turned around, a big hug came straight my way. i wrapped my arms around the boy i loved. wait, what...? i, um....?

i didn't even bother asking seokjin why yugyeom was so pissed, partly because i forgot to. but also, it was such a good feeling to be staying the night at seokjin's again as if we were friends, even though inside of me, i knew it has always been a little more than that.

seokjin's older brother taehyung came home later that night, pretty much midnight since he's in a band. his band mates usually spend the night here, but i guess they weren't tonight.

taehyung came into the room and seokjin said he wanted to talk. the three of us circled around on seokjin's bed and started talking about what happened, so i then knew why yugyeom was mad. he wasn't mad at something, he was mad at someone. and that someone was me, i guess. he was taking his anger out on not only me, but seokjin as well.

after our big talk about life, school and what just happened, taehyung hugged seokjin and said goodbye to me before heading off to his room for the night.

"...jungkook...?" he mumbled beside me, sitting up.

"yeah?" i asked, sitting up too.

"i kind of just want a big hug right now..." he whispered.

"yeah, well, i guess you know just where to find them," i said with a warm smile and pulled him in for a hug. it lasted a good 30 seconds, before i took his two hands to assure him that everything is fine.

"you're gonna be alright, seokjin. everything's good now, and that's settled." as i said that, i felt the bumpy, scratchy feeling of a scar. multiple, actually. i looked down and realized my fingers were laying against the scars on his wrist. i knew he was suicidal from the razor in his room and the time he told me he wanted to kill him self, but i never really....seen or felt it so close in real life. seeing it right in front of me makes me realize....

maybe not totally everything is fine. and i need to change that.


A/N --

hey guys! Sorry for the month-long hiatus this book has been on. I've been thinking and thinking of a good comeback from the hiatus, since I haven't had much inspiration for the book lately. But hopefully you guys liked this chapter! I will try my best to update a lot, at least once or twice a week, but maybe more if I'm on a hot streak 😂💜

Q/A -

So far I've only had two questions on the previous chapter, and they're both the same.

"When will Jungkook and Jin get together?"

That, I'm afraid I can't answer. Maybe they won't, maybe they will. That's a spoiler question and like I said in the last chapter, I won't answer any of those. You'll have to wait and find out by reading more future updates of this book...! :) But thank you for submitting your questions, please ask more in the comments right here! --->

(Please no questions that will give away/spoil future things the book!)

Thanks! ❤️

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