[3] Oh, Catastrophe

Start from the beginning

"What did you see!?" The man asked.

"What did you see!?" He yelled this time.

"I-I uhm. Uhm" I couldn't get my word's out. I was to afraid to even speak correctly.

The man sighed and grew closer to me.

"I saw nothing!" I finally replied back.

"You lying piece of shit!" The man's opened hand collided with my face, the loud sound of his hand hitting my face almost echoed. I could feel the skin of my bottom lip being split, I fell the ground.

"Please, sir I didn't see anything, I'm telling you the truth!" And I was telling the honest truth.

"Look at me!" He snapped.

I looked up at the older man who stood over me.

"Tell me what the fuck you saw or I swear to god i'll fucking kill you and fuck your corpse!" That was the worst threat ever.

By him saying those words made tears spring from my eye's. The other's had gotten away and left me here, to die.

"I swear I didn't see anything sir" I sobbed.

The man sighed, and began to remove his belt.

"What have you go there, Zane" another voice yelled from behind.

"Some little snooping whore!" He yelled back.

Heavy footsteps approached me. Another man looked down at me from above, he stood at my head. staring directly down into my face.

"She's a beaut" He smiled.

I drew my attention back to Zane who now had a gun in his hand and his pants dropped down to his knees.

"Tell you this, if you give me a blow job i'll alow you to live a couple more minutes" he and the other man chuckled. These ass holes!

"No!" I yelled. What the hell was the point of that? Like I'd die either way.

"You die then" He pulled a pistol from his pants and aimed it to my head.

I shut my eye's, ready for him to pull the trigger, hot tears running down my face, I bit my bottom lip So hard it bled. My nose had started to run, and my body had grown hot.

"Hey, Hey. What the hell are you doing Zane she's a friend of mine!" A fimiliar voice yelled.

I wanted to look around and see who it was, but I was to afraid to open my eye's.

"Dylan, move. Or I'll fucking kill you!"

Dylan! DYLAN the Brownie boy from earlier today! My eye's shot open only to find Dylan standing infront of me, protecting me.

"She's just an innocent girl Zane!"

"That little fucking bitch saw DYLAN!"

"She said she didn't see Zane, just please spare her young life. If she tells anyone about any of these events, I swear i'll kill her"

Zane took about a minute to reply "Alright Dylan but this one is all you! If you come to me and tell me that you've slaughtered the girl. I'll paint the walls with your brains!"

Dylan turned to me, sadness written all over his face.

"Come on, get up" Dylan held out his hand and helped me up from the ground.

I've never been so happy in my entire life to see a boy who gave me a Brownie.

"Let's get you back to the motel"

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