He's Really Pregnant

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Jacks POV

After looking at the test, the paramedics came and decided that it would be best if he went to the hospital. The paramedics asked me if I wanted to go in the ambulance with him obviously I said yes. I I've got in the ambulance with Mark and they drove off to the hospital.

I picked the pregnancy test up with the floor and put it in my coat pocket so when I got to the hospital I could tell the nurses about how he passed out

10 minutes later

We soon arrived at the hospital and the paramedics unloaded Mark from the hospital. They took him out back to run some tests on him to see why he passed out but I knew why he had passed out but I wasn't sure is the results were correct so it was best to wait for the results from the doctors.

As soon as the doctors had finished their tests, they allowed me to go in the room with him. I walked into his hospital room to see him hooked up to an I.V and a blood pressure cuff on his arm. He was still out for the count.

I started to study Mark. I could see that he had gained some weight and when I lifted up his shirt there was a small, hardly noticeable bump growing. That could help determine if he was either pregnant or just he had gained a bit of weight.

Soon after I had entered the room, he started to slowly come around from his deep sleep. I could say that he will have a really bad headache from hitting his head.

As soon as he saw me, he looked at me with a confused look like he didn't know why he was here.

Marks POV

I soon started to wake up from when I had passed out. The First thing I could smell was the smell of the hospital. When I finally came around, I looked over to see Jack sitting next to me.

I looked at him with a confused look on my face and he just smiled at me.
"If you're wondering why you're in the hospital is because you passed out in the bathroom and when I found you, you had a small pool of blood by your head. So I rung for an ambulance and that's why you're here."

That's why I am in a hospital and why my head absolutely kills.

One thing I was wondering is what caused me to pass out in the First place? I was about to ask Sean why I passed out but then a nurse came in with what looked like an ultrasound machine.
"So, Mr Fischbach, we have your blood test results back and I am happy to say that you are pregnant. I want to do an ultrasound to determine how far along your are." the nurse told me.

I started to cry tears of joy and I looked over at Sean who had a massive smile so I decided to give him a kiss on the cheek.
The nurse asked me to lift up my shirt and as I did, I could see that a small bump had formed which I wasn't surprised about.

The nurse place a cold gel onto my stomach and moved the wand around and all of us were surprised at what we saw.

There were two small heads with bodies and you could hear two faint heartbeats when the nurse turned the sound up.

She asked us if we wanted photos of the ultrasound and we said yes. She went to go print them off. I wiped the gel of my stomach and went over and gave Sean a massive hug.

The nurse soon came back and handed us the photos. We said thank you and left the hospital to go home.

We had found out that I was two months pregnant with twins and that the reason I passed out was from low blood pressure and that I was dehydrated.

This I could say was one of the best day of my life and I feel like our lives could get a lot better...

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