『Chapter One』«Reincarnated»

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Carla walked through the crowded streets of Japan. People ran against his shoulder, making him stumble various times, but he inhaled deeply and sighed heavily.

He couldn't just kill someone because of such an insignificant thing. He wouldn't let a human make him loose his cool.

When he finally came out the crowd and sighed relieved.

"Excuse me! There I go! Oh! I'm sorry! Please move out of the way!"

He looked in front of him and an awfully familiar voice caught his attention.

Once he completely turned, someone ran into his chest.

"Oh... I'm sorry, sir. I'm on a hurry. I'm just—very sorry...!"

Carla's heartbeat accelerated and his chest tightened.

This woman... this woman was the plebeian he had fallen in love when he was young.

"No, pardon me. It didn't occur to me someone could be hurrying at this time of the day..." he replied, still unable to believe who was standing in front of him.

The young woman giggled and smiled gently. "I'm glad you are okay." She stopped and looked at him closely, as if she had noticed something for the first time.

She soon realized how close she'd been leaning to him and quickly backed up. "I'm sorry again. Bye-bye!" She waved, before running away amidst the multitud and vanished.

He didn't even notice, but his face was as red as an apple.

"Bro—brother...?" Shin stopped from greeting him and looked at him worriedly. "Did something happen? You look sick." He asked.

"Shin, do you by any chance remember the young lady living on the village around the time of our early youth?" Carla asked.

Shin hummed trying to remember. "Oh! The girl brother liked!?" He asked.

"I could say so..." Carla replied.

"What about her?" Asked Shin.

"The thing is... I believe I saw her today on the streets." Carla explained.

"Not a chance, brother! When we received the list of people that had died because of the Endzeit, her name was clearly written there." Shin said.

"Then this couldn't possibly make sense..." Carla dropped to the couch and sighed heavily placing his hand over his eyes.

"It isn't impossible, either." Elle walked downstairs and proceeded to explain. "Depending on what kind of life or purpose this person had before their death. It is possible that they can be Reincarnated."

Carla raised his sight again. "Kind of life or propuse? Tell me more." He sat up straight.

"The earth, universe, and fate are all linked together and alive. They are aware of all evil going through humans and mystic creatures' blood and minds. When this type of strong pure positive fountain of good—fate and the universe mix with each other and bring this same soul again into earth. It can be any of the human race or mystic creature. Depending on which race is more corrupt. Obviously we all know that the human race is as bad as the demons on war." She explained.

"So you mean... a worthy existence?" Shin asked.

"You can put it that way." Elle answered while nodding.

"Pure positive fountain, huh?" Carla murmured.

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