"Then you'd get in trouble for being such a horrible apprentice. What if it ended up hurting poor Honeykit?" Falconkit sneered.

"Go. To. Camp!" Mudpaw's voice raised substantially.

"Hmmm..." Falconkit falsely pondered. "No. You can't tell me what to do, I'm the leader's son." Mudpaw lashed his tail. "So if you want me to go back to camp...you'll have to come get me!" Falconkit turned and bounded away, he could hear Mudpaw angrily shouting his name as he vanished into the forest. His paws pounded against the forest floor as he ran through the trees, rustling flora and kicking up rocks. His heart pounded in his chest, he felt so alive! Like a true warrior!

Falconkit ran for a long time, he could hear Mudpaw from time to time, but he knew that the apprentice would never catch him, he might as well be the fastest cat in the forest! He inhaled the scent of the forest, it engulfed him and made him feel strong. After a while, Falconkit reached an open field with a large rock formation in the distance. His legs were sore and his breathing was heavy, but he still felt like lightning was crackling in his veins. He couldn't hear or see Mudpaw, so he confidently stepped forward towards the rocks.

"Falconkit, stop!" Falconkit stopped dead in his tracks and turned to see, much to his annoyance, Mudpaw. How had he caught up?

"I'm not listening to you!" Falconkit took another step forward and turned his head towards the rocks but never finished his step as he saw something thin, slithering near his feet. Falconkit's heart turned to ice as he stared at what was below him. He realized where he was now, he was at Jagged Rocks, which was filled with adders in Greenleaf. Adders were incredibly deadly, and Falconkit realized the danger he was in.

"Don't move." He heard a hushed voice in his ear, Mudpaw had somehow crept forward without making a sound. Falconkit's heart was bounding his chest, he was suddenly scared and ready to listen to Mudpaw. "I'm going to grab you, just be still." Falconkit nodded ever so slightly, but he was starting to lose his balance. He dug his claws into the ground to try and steady himself, and keep himself upright. It felt like a million moons waiting for Mudpaw, and he truly thought he was going to die.

The world went from frozen solid to as fast as lightning as Falconkit felt teeth in the scruff of his neck and was hurled forward. Falconkit did a somersault forward, hitting his head on a rock. He looked over his shoulder and saw Mudpaw leaping after him. "Move!' He shouted. Falconkit scrambled to his paws and they both ran away from the adder. They reached the forest and Falconkit stopped, tripping over his paws and panting heavily. Mudpaw also stopped, panting. "You didn't get bit did you?" His eyes were filled with concern.

"No, I didn't." Falconkit looked over his body.

"You mousebrain!" Mudpaw shouted. "What did I tell you?" Falconkit winced and stepped backed. "You could've gotten yourself killed if not both of us!"

Falconkit hissed. "How was I supposed to know there would be adders?" He lashed his tail.

"If you were an apprentice you would know! Every single SunClan warrior knows that Jagged Rocks is dangerous! Especially in Greenleaf! Small cats could fall and break their necks, it's right next to the AshClan border, and there are adders! Not even apprentices are allowed to go without a warrior escort!"

Falconkit flattened himself against the ground. "Well why don't the kits know?"

"Because kits aren't supposed to leave camp!" Mudpaw trembled with anger, his eyes were a green blaze. He stopped and took a breath. "You're going back to camp, now."

"You can't make me!" Falconkit spat, no longer scared but annoyed.

"Yes, I can." Falconkit was lifted off the ground as Mudpaw grabbed his scruff.

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now