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Sorry it's taken so long I just had writer's block for a moment also any comments and ideas for the story are welcome and share it around if you know anyone who likes Sweeney Todd

Ch 29 Mrs Lovett's POV

"Mum what are you doing" toby asks as i take his hand and lead him around the side of the asilm. It's a rather gray afternoon in london with clouds all around

"We have to figure out wear mr todd is before we can get him out" i state walking around the building

"How do we get him out once we find him" he asks again and i bit my lip as i look up at a set of barred windows i see a short tree that i might be able to climb to take a look.

" i haven't gotten that far yet" i reply honestly. I'm hoping sweeney has some ideas of how to break out i hope they haven't hurt him to bad in there. It's all my fault for trusting jack sweeney was right about him all along. I start to scale the tree holding on to the thick branches as best i can. I may not be as strong as i once was but i won't let a dam tree get in the way now.

"Do you see him" toby calls once i'm halfway up the tree i stretch my neck trying to see as best i can.

" no it looks like a bunch of tables, it may be a lunch room" i say back to him. I wait for a moment and try to look around but i see nothing. I hope down from the tree and continue to walk around the big building with toby on my heel. I here i loud groan coming from another barred window that sounds oddly like sweeney i stop in my tracks and look up.

"Sweeney, mr todd are you there sweeny " i call up to the window i'm sure it's him it sounds like him at least poor thing is probably in so much pain i wonder what they're doing to him in there. I look around for a tree or anything to climb to get a closer look but there's nothing around .

" nel"l the voice calls down its horse and kinda scratchy but it's him i almost start crying from relief that he's at east alive.

"Yes dear it me and toby were going to get you out are you ok" i call back up i have to yell because the window is so high up but i don't want to draw any attention to me and toby. I look around to see if there are any guards roaming around but i don't see any.

"I'll be better one i'm out but you can't stay here that gard has got it out for you, his brother works here and has said some awful things nell you have to run or go into hiding because once they get there hands on you" he trails off and i can make out him clutching onto the bars. I shudder at the thought of what he's applying but i believe him. I'd be a fool not to. I wave of guilt washes over me. It's all my fault he's i there.

" don't worry about me love ill be alright, but we gotta get you out of there" i reply trying to think of some way to get him out.

" can you get me one of my razors" he asks and i nod trying to think how they won't let me visit him that i know and if i bring him anything they'll surely go through it.

" do you eat in the cafeteria" toby asks out of the blue and i smile and nod knowing where he's going with it.

"I don't know i've been in solitary confinement for the past few days" he says and i cringe who knows what type of hell they may have put him through in there. It's been almost a week.

"Well come back in a day and you can tell us what time you go to eat. There a set of barred windows i have to climb a tree to get to but i just might be able to slip you one of your razors" i say fell a slight sense of hope for the first time

"Ok be careful you to i love you nell " he says and i want to just hug him and never let go

"I love you to" i say and we start walking back arm in arm i hold back tears but toby gives me a warm hug.

" well get him out mum" he says i nod and wipe my face as we come closer to the pie shop i see a figure standing there i can only imagine it's jack. I remember what sweeny said and i fell even more scared.

"What do we do toby ask as we both stop in are tracks and stick to the side of a building se he doesn't see us. We could try and wait him out but who knows how long it will take its dark out now and the streets are empty.

"The window" i say there's a small window in the parlor that we just might be able to fit through. We walk around to the side of the building i grob an old crate and stand on in and peer inside. It'll be a tight fit but i can manage once in i grab the ledge and drop down to the floor and toby follows suit thank goodness he's a skinny slip of a thing.

"Anthony" i call out and he comes walking in he was in the aria before we left and i needed him to watch annabelle while we were gone.

" did you find a way to save him" he says as we come in and i nod and tell him the plan 

can we be complete again ( sequel to can we learn to love again)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt