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Ch7 Mrs. Lovett's POV

" toby one for the gentleman" i call out to toby pointing to a man in the far corner who has his cup out toby rushes over as i take a large tray fill with pies, i haven't seen sweeney since the other night i'm glad he's giving me space, i just can't seem to figure out what i want. He seemed so sad when i told him how i felt.

"Can i get another pie mam" a man sitting next to his wife with a young child calls out the dinner rush is quiet full and i feel slightly dizzy from all other running about i give them another pie and i go behind the counter and wipe the sweat off my forehead leaning against the counter for support.

"Mum are you ok you should maybe sit down" toby say slightly worried,. I wave him off standing up right.

"I'm fine dear" i reply walking back into the crowd collecting money and wiping off tables. My head starts to pound and the noise isn't helping.

" why don't you go sit in the parlor i can finish up" toby tries again coming over to me i finish the table and turn to him.

"Oh alright maybe just for a moment" i say and he leads me away from the loud and crowded dining room. Once were in the parlor i start to stumble catching myself on the edge of the chair the room starts to spin and i lower myself down shutting my eyes tight. I take deep breaths finding it a bit hard to breath.

"Mum are you ok" toby asks i nod not opening my eyes,. Toby neles down by me and puts his hands to my head like i do when he is sick. Hes such a caring and sweet boy.

"I'm going to get Mr. T" i here toby say run out of the room befor i can protest., i slump back in the chair holding my stomach i fell i bit nauseous like i might be sick but i don't dare move a step.

"Nell whats wrong" i here a voice say i pick through my eyes ever so slightly i see the blurry for of sweeney. I sigh knowing toby must have gone to get him.

"Nothing i'm fine just tired" i say keeping my eye closed my head is pounding and my breaths seems short and shallow.

"Nell" he says seriously placing a hand on his hip and i groan inwardly knowing he won't give up. My head is still spinning, and i fell a bit nauseous.

"Wot" i ask slightly annoyed i'm sure if i just sit down for a little while it'll pass i dont see the need to make such a big deal.

"You don't seem fine, i'm going to get the doctor to be sure" he states and before i can protest i hear him walk out of the room. I try to steady my breathing but it comes out shaky. I open my eyes slowly looking around the light does nothing to help my headache so i close them.

"Mrs. Lovett" i deep voice call one that i don't recognize i open my eyes blinking as i adjust to the light i see a man with a black bag in a smart pants suit standing in front of sweeny.

" im doctor Higgins, we haven't met officially but i was here after your accident" he explains and sweeney looks down at the floor remembering the last time sweeney almost killed me.

"Hello" i say in a small voice adjusting myself on the chair

" so you've been having difficulty" he asks coming closer he takes my wrist and feels my pulse he continues to look me over. He has me take a couple deep breaths.

"Well i think the lightheadedness is from stress and exhaustion you might have to take a break from running your shop i also suggest you stop wearing your corset to get more oxygen to the brain and to the baby." he states putting some of his things away.

"Ok" i reply fidgeting with my hands i never did like doctors they always make me feel nervous and like i'm under a microscope. Sweeney grabs my hand gently for support but i don't look at him. I can look at him for fear i would lose my self.

"Also don't stress yourself out, i've seen many a mis carriage from too much stress during the first trimester" he adds looking at the two of us as we sit on the couch in the parlor

"Thank you sir" i say and he shakes my hand

"Just come and get me if there are any problems" he states and i nod. Mr. Todd thanks him and walks him out. Once doctor leaves i stand up and slowly walk to get some water.

"You should be resting" sweeney states walking into the kitchen i rolled my eyes putting my glass in the sink.

"I'm just getting some water i'm not helpless ya know" i reply walking into my bedroom and sweeney follows me.

"I know you're not but i also know you can't sit still" he says coming up behind me gently placing a han on my stomach which has a slight bump to get i shrug sweeny off stepping away from him.

"Don't do that" i whisper leaning against my vanity, no matter how much i want to melt into his arms i don't trust him or myself to do that. the happy atmosphere that just filled the room is replaced by an awkward quiet one.

" nellie" he says placing a gentle hand on my shoulder but i shake my head i look up at the reflection of the two of us the the big vanity mirror and we look so perfect together, or so it would seem, i see a longless and emptiness in sweeneys eyes that almost breaks my heart. A emptiness and incompleteness that almost consumes you i know that feeling all too well those fifteen years after sweeney was taken were the hardest of my life.

"Rest now pet" he commands before slowly removing his hand from my shoulder he leaves. Eyes averted to the ground                          

can we be complete again ( sequel to can we learn to love again)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora