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Ch28 mrs Lovett's POV

I didn't sleep at all last night i just want sweeny back. Why does this always happen. I mean we aren't good people well we were he was before turpen sent him away and now jack did the same thing. I cradle annabell in my arms as she stares up at me she looks so much like sweeney. I haven't fully recovered from my coma but day by day i get stronger. I don't know what jack has planned but he's obsessed with me and will be back. I start to hum as i rock the baby back and forth trying to get her to sleep.

"You'll never get away from me you can climb the tallest tree i'll be there somehow" i sing the slight upbeat tune i know annabell is tired but she's as stubborn as her father.

"True you can say hey here's your hat but a little thing like that couldn't stop now. I couldn't get away from you even if you told me to so go on and try just try and your gunna see" i say trying not to cry as i think of sweeney annabell deserves her father after everything we've been through. Her thick eyelashes start to close

"How your gonna not at all get away from me" i finish and wipe the single tear. I here annabell breathing deeply and evenly and i can tell shes asleep. I set her in her crib and softly close the door behind me and i lean across the door.

" mum" toby says walking up to me i raise my eyes from the floor toby rushes up and hugs me tight.

"Is mr todd going to be ok, why did they take him" he asks he gown up so much but he's still a child and doesn't understand everything.

"Its that officer jack, he sent him away" i reply he asks more waiting me to confirm what he already knows then general confusion. I sigh and wipe my watery eyes.

"Because of me, mr todd was in they way" i say toby nods standing up fully a determined look in his eyes.

"I won't let him hurt you mom. But we got to get mr todd out" he say and he starts to pace he looks like i do when i'm thinking hard.

" and soon you don't know what it's like in there" i whisper standing up i'm so scared that jack will come for me and i won't be able to fend him off. I won't let it get that far it can

"We need to open shop " i say abruptly if i get some money together i may be able to bale him out. And if the place is busy and full jack won't be able to get close. Toby nods not question me. Me start to make dough and there's just enough meat left to make a few batches of pies till i can afford more.

"Keep working son i'll be back" i say grabbing the key to upstairs and i climb the steps. I open the shop door. And for a split second i expect to hear sweeneys voice greeting me. Or to see him staring out the bay window but he's not. I look through his belonging finding his savings. It's not much but it should hold us over. I go back to determined as ever when i see jack standing at my door.

"Hello nell" he says making me cringe that's sweeneys pet name for me

"Don't call me that and were not open right now sir" i say still standing at the top of the stares so i'm standing over him.

" don't be coy dear now let's go inside" he say and takes a step towards me i look around and see the streets are virtually empty i start to back up the stairs holding the key in my hand i could try and run for it.

"I'm sorry sir you may not enter here were not open" toby says rather loudly coming out the door he's young but almost as tall as jack . he moves the short distance until he between me and jack.

"No boy i'm here to talk to" jack starts trying to sound charming but toby shakes his head cutting him off.

" sorry sir we're rather busy right now" he steps forward subconsciously making jack back up. With the hand behind his back he waves at me to come closer i do and i slip behind him and he moves so i can get at the door. I scurry in and toby closes the door locking it behind him. Jack glares at us through the glass before walking away.

"Are you ok mom" toby ask as i slid down the wall my heart is beating so fast i fear it my give out i just nod trying to hold back tears i have to be strong.

"It'll be alright mom, i won't let him harm you" toby says hugging me on the floor i hug him back kissing the top of his head. It seems as if all the demons in hell are sent to torment me. I take a shaky breath and stand up. I still have to open up shop tonight.

"Lets see how the pies are" i state running my hands over my dress to smooth it out i pull out the fresh pies out the oven and smile. I'll get him out somehow. 

can we be complete again ( sequel to can we learn to love again)Where stories live. Discover now