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Ch26 Mrs Lovett's POV

"Hush now dove" i whisper to annabelle she woke up in the middle of the night crying i didn't want to wake sweeny so i got up. I look at my child with so much love in my eyes she really is an angle something just feels so complete having her here with us. Almost like a proper family. I don't know why but when i woke up and saw sweeny all the fear and pain i felt towards him was gone. I feel like i missed him so much and i never wanted to be apart from him. I set the baby back in her crib and crawl back to bed sweeney stirs then opens his eyes.

"You alright" he asks concern filling his deep voice i smile at him. When he came into my room last night i just wanted to be near him have him close to me. I fell a little shaky since i woke up i'll need to be getting my strength back but i think i look worse than i fell.

"Yes annabell woke up for a moment" i whisper he nods and pulls me closer to him. I breath in his masculine scent. I then lean up and kis his lips. His eyes open for a moment in surprise but he returns the kiss fully. It starts off gently but soon turns more hungry and passionate.

"Nellie" he says my name so sweet and i melt into him he lovingly bite my lip and his hand runs over my body. I move so i'm sitting on top of him. Moving my hips on his lap he groans in pleasure.

"You should be resting... you were unconscious and just had a" i silence him with my lips running my hand in between his thy.

"Nellie we have to be careful" he says pushing me off of him i can tell it's hard for him but he's thinking of me. He's trying to resist the urge and i smile at him slily. I've missed us the way we were it seems as if we can get back to some type of normal

"I've missed you" i say and he smiles pecking my lips i it's sweet how he's thinking of me and not his own needs. I cuddle up next to him and fall asleep.

Waking up the next morning i check on annabell and see that she's still sound asleep i go to the kitchen feeling as if i haven't eaten for ages which i guess i haven't seeney had said they gave me water and milk but i wasn't really able to chew or swallow. I make a quick batter for some pancakes and cut up some fresh fruit after everything is made i start to eat leaving enough for the boys i start eating large bits and eating faster as if the food will run away.

"You should slow down your stomach will be sore if you eat too much" sweeney says slightly amused as he walks in.

"But i'm hungry" i win making him laugh i know he's right tho i stop eating ad drink a glass of water sweeney fixes himself i cup of coffee and a plate of food. And sits across from me when i here annabell crying. Sweeney starts to get up but i stop him

"I got it" i say leaving him to eat his breakfast. I walk into our room were annabell is rolling around in her crib crying her eyes out despite the fit she's throwing she looks so cute her rosey cheeks are bright with color as she screams. I pick her up and bounce hold her in my arms.

"Now now whats all this fuss about. Are you hungry" i say kissing her on the nose. I know i should probably wait till i get more of my strength back but i feel fine. i pull her to my chest and let her breastfeed. It the most healthy thing for a baby better then mushed up food at least for the first couple weeks.

"There you go love" i say and she falls back asleep. Little thing sleeps so much. I almost wish mum was alive so i could ask her about raising a child but in truth i don't know what i'm doing. There's a loud knock on the door and i assume sweeney will get it then i hear a bit of shouting and i rush out closing the door behind me hoping it won't wake the baby.

"What the bloody hell is going on in h..." im cut off when i see sweeney in handcuffs and jack standing there with a smug look

"Eleanor you're awake thank god" jack says surprise in his eyes he run over to me and hugs me. I push him off and my eyes travel to sweeney who is glaring at jack.

"What are you doing why is he in handcuffs" i ask placing my hands on my hips

"It's alright now, he can't hurt you anymore dear" he says looking kindly at me then glares at sweeny. Jack nods at the guards to take him away.

"Stop this he never hurt me jack let him go. sweeney" i say running toward sweeney who struggles with his bound wrist. Jack pulls me off of him and takes sweeney away. I start to cry this just like before all those years ago when ben was taken from me.

"Nell" he calls out trying to reach for me but he is held back

"It's done nellie you don't have to worry anymore" jack says softly placing a hand on my shoulder i turn around and smack him tears running down my face.

"He's the father of my child and my... my... " i brake choke back the sob that threatened to escape my voice i feel light headed and shaky for a moment.

" it's alright i'll take care of you and the baby. We can be together now" he whispers placing an arm around me as if i didn't just smack him. I push him off and put a suitable amount of distance between us.

"We will never be together and i will never let my child grow up with a corrupt officer of the law as her father" i spit at him rage taking over me. Why is it things always go awry like this. His expression falters for a moment and i see a darkness there but it is quickly concealed

"We will be together you'll see" he says he walks out the shop without another word. I have to find out where they took sweeney i can let him suffer in a hell hole like he did before. I waited fifteen years for him before i can't wait fifteen more and neither can our daughter.

can we be complete again ( sequel to can we learn to love again)Where stories live. Discover now