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Ch9 Nellie's POV

The next day i wake up early i hardly slept a wink last night i mind just kept racing thinking about every little thing and i couldn't get comfortable. Getting dressed i skip the corset like the doctor said biting on a looser fitting black gown i tie my hair up and walk into the kitchen i start making breakfast, i don't really want to go up and see sweeney every time i look at him i remember that night and it makes me shiver just to think about it. Ik place the eggs and toast on the table for me and toby along with a cup of tea.

"Morning love" i say sweetly al toby coms shuffling in rubbing his sleepy eyes he plops down on the both next to me.

"Hi mum" he reply smiling at me he digs into his food inhaling it as if he hasnt eaten in days. I smirk a little as he eats the food.

"Slow down lad or you'll give yourself a stomach ach" i say laughing a little he shrugs his shoulders finishing his tea. Growing boys do need there food i guess.

"Sorry" he replies sheepishly and i laugh. The door opens and sweeney comes walking in and i look at him a little surprised. He's still in his closes from yesterday and looks as if he hasn't slept at all.

"Mr T there's some food in the an if you want" i say and he nods and walks over to the ketal and starts to make some coffee i look at him concerned. Toby looks curiously between the two of us the gets up washing his plate then runs off to his room i stand up and lean on the counter looking at Mr Todd.

"Wear you up all night" i ask in a soft voice even if i'm not use to being around him anymore i still care for him and want to look after him, even if i don't want to let my self love him. He is the father of my child. He stares at the coffee as it heats up in the pot not answering me.

"Mr T" i call and he looks at me confused for a moment biting his eyebrows together.

"What" he reply still looking confused not hearing a word i just said i roll my eyes and chuckle at him a little.

"Did you stay up all night again" i ask again now that i have him attention and he looks away from me for a moment before nodding. I can tell he has his eyes are slightly bloodshot and dark circles formed around his eyes.

"You can't do that love it's not healthy" i start to say standing upright his eyes flick down my body and he smiles a little when his eyes land on my stomach but then he frowns slightly shaking his head.

"I can't sleep not till there gone every last one of them" he says more to himself that me a walk over gently grabbing his arm i pull him to a booth and sit him down.

"You grate useless thing" i mutter as he stares of into space i get him his coffee and fix him a plate siting it in front of him i walk back to the counter and wipe it down. He continues staring off into space not touching his food or coffee.

"You need to eat before the food gets cold" i say and he breaks from his trans looking at me then the food he slowly take a bit then i sip of coffee.

" they're coming for me nellie and it's not to long till the come for you i can't let them get to you and the baby" he says quickly standing up letting the fork drop from his hand making me jump a little.

"They won't come for me dear there's nothing to worry.." i start not moving from my spot.

"No you don't understand these men there cruel they would have no trouble.... You don't know them" he says looking at me his eyes burning into mine with so much concern it makes me miss him.

"Now you just sit here and eat your food and we can think about what to do" i reply slowly walking over to him i sit him back down and put the mug of coffee back in his hands. I carfly sit across from him.

" now then how many of them are there" i ask taking a sip from my own cup of tea sweeney thinks for a moment.

"Four from what i saw in town the other day" he reply sipping his coffee slowly but not touching his food.

"You need to eat" i say sternly looking at his partially eaten food disapprovingly.

"I'm not hungry there has to be something we" he starts but i slam my cup on the table slightly annoyed. Maybe it's the hormones making me agitated but at this point i don't really care.

"Now stop plane your killing spree and eat your damn eggs" i yell raising my voice a little he looks at me a little scared for a moment the hesitantly picks up his fork and i smile sweetly at him.

" there you go don't know how you expect to take on four prison guards without haven the etten" i reply he finished his food and i take his plate and set it in the sink.

"Now here's what we could do" i state leaning over the counter. Iv always be wily and clever thinking on the spot like this sweeny raises his head looking at me.  

can we be complete again ( sequel to can we learn to love again)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora