victor rubbed a hand over his aching eyes, and dug out the credit card that had fallen down between the two sofa cushions. he flipped it in his hand, considering another hit, but just stick it into the pocket of his jeans and leant back once again. he rolled his eyes at a boy dark hair and tan skin, almost as small as the boy chatting up chris, approaching him, but let him straddle him.

"twenty," the boy whispered, and victor laughed out loud,

"you must be good," he countered, and the boy winked. victor shook his head, and strands of silver hair fell into his eyes.

"tenner. at the most. you can have a hit too, if you feel like it."

the boy almost jumped off of him.

"tenner? that's insulting."

victor laughed again, tiredly.

"i'll pass, thank you...?"

he paused for a name, and the young boy seemed puzzled.

"phitchit," he said, unsurely, before spinning on his heel to find someone stoned enough to give up a twenty for him. victor watched him melt into the crowd, before turning his eyes back to chris and the other boy, only to watch chris give a little shake of the head as victor had just done. the boy slipped down off of the counter and planted a kiss on chris'a cheek, before wandering over towards the same wall the sofa victor sat on was pushed against. victor followed him, until the boy stopped and leant back against the wall, cropped shirt showing his muscles as he surveyed the room.

victor sighed, bored of the night already, but knew that there was no point in him going back to his own house where nothing awaited him but empty rooms and an unmade bed. he nudged jj's legs and stood up, the hot and sticky room tilting alarmingly, before he steadied himself and headed over to where the dark haired boy stood, legs crossed at the ankle.

victor stood next to him, back to the wall also, watching someone pick a fight over a girl in a slim grey dress whilst the others danced to drake. he nudged at the boy with the dark hair, who looked a little surprised.

"i'm supposed to come to you, usually," he said, voice almost inaudible due to the pulsating stereos. victor shrugged.

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"i'm supposed to come to you. never mind," the boy sighed, and looked up at victor, who was much taller than him. "how much?"

victor looked confused, perhaps due to the coke or the headache he was already having to deal with.

"how much are you willing to pay?" the dark haired boy said, as if victor were a small child who was learning to count. victor tutted.

"you too, huh? i've just had you're little friend trying to force himself on me," he joked, nodding his head towards phitchit, who was in the kitchen with a whole bottle of wine in his hands.

"your friend?" victor suggested. "are you in this together, or is it just a coincidence?"

the dark haired boy didn't bat an eye, although his big brown eyes did look a little hurt.

"how much?" he repeated. victor swatted him away, as he had down with countless girls and boys that night.

"thanks but i'm alright," he made himself say, after feeling a little bad for being so rude to the dark haired boy in the white knitted crop top. "what's your name?"

he was surprised at himself for being so talkative, especially to someone trying to sell him sex, but put it down to the cocaine in his bloodstream. he was also a little taken aback at how this boy didn't seem to be making much of an effort, especially since everyone in this room knew victor's name and had reacted in the appropriate way whenever they can near him. but this dark haired boy didn't seem to care if he was talking to a world-famous figure skater or not.

"how much?" he sighed, getting irritated.

"what's your name?" victor teased, and started swaying slightly once again. the dark haired boy scoffed.

"i don't do this with junkies," he said, and his clipped, disgusted tone made victor jump.

"what about celebrities?" he shot back.

"how much, victor nikiforov?"

the dark haired boy looked pleased with himself for having an answer ready, and victor was enjoying having something to do at the drug-fuelled party he was at with lights flashing so much they could cause a string of epileptic fits.

"what's your name?" he repeated, using the dark haired boy's own game against him.

"thanks for wasting my time," the boy said with a fake smile, someone else catching his eye across the room, and he started to walk towards the packed dance area to make his offer to a more willing and less intoxicated client.

"wait, what's your - "


victor just managed to hear the boy's words as the song came to an end, before the music was cranked up again and he disappeared into the crowds.

victor stood for a while with a smirk on his face, before he went back over to the almost comatose jj, scrunched up the fiver lying where he had left it and took another, powerful, nose-bleeding hit to pass the time.

and sat back down to watch others make a fool of themselves due to alcohol and intoxicants, trying in vain to spot yuri under the bright lights and amidst the mass of bodies.

and leant back on that uncomfortable pillows of chris's sofa, bored out of his skull.

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