3: When it comes to Rhcp/ The perfect plan

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I know this may seems weird or too "normal" but what if I pretend to be sick so I dont have to go to work? I dont really know because my boss lives with me and that would be hard to convince her. Plus she's a super strict observer and she can recognize every single detail or when a person lies, so I know my plan will fail for sure. What if I just try to escape through the window? I dont know... I could just buy her a gift. That way she would be Happy enough to let me go. I just dunno but when it comes to Rhcp I could do everything. Everything for them. Apart from killing or stealing obv. I just can't agree with her decision. She knows how Rhcp is important to me, how they helped me when I was sad, how I drem to see them. Well that's not enough. She sometimes has a rocky heart. I really dont know. She sometims is nice and you think she would do everything for you, but sometimes she turns to be a completely... Bitch. That's why I dont want to depend on anyone. People always disappoint you when you need them the most. Or, if they don't in those moments, they will disappoint you anyways, you just have to wait for it. Because it will come to you when you dont expect it. Disappointment. Anyway I am pretty sure I will pretend to be sick. I hope she doesn't understand I'm lying. Maybe I could just tell her not to enter in my room because, anyways, the germs will infect her, and she is way too obsessed with germs. That way she won't know I'm out. She will go to work anyway, and I will see my loves.
So I decided it. I will pretend to be sick. This is the perfect plan.

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