Never have to ask [Seth's POV] FULL CHAPTER!

Start from the beginning

Ethan sighed and reached up to cup the side of Seth's face. He traced his thumb over his bottom lip before pulling away. "I think I may have expected this, but that is exactly why you two need to spend some time together. Figure out what's wrong."

"Don't you want to know why too?"

He gave a casual shrug and cast a loving glance over to the still peacefully sleeping girl. "I've known Cassie most of her life. I have somewhat of an idea of why she won't touch you."

Seth snorted loudly, but quickly covered his mouth with his hand and glanced worriedly over at her. In a lower, hushed tone, he responded, "Care to enlighten the other man in this relationship then? I'm grasping at straws here. Ever since that night, I feel like I'm doing everything wrong. I've felt clumsy and inept around her."

Ethan gave a mock gasp. "Inept? You? Never!"

"I'm serious, Ethan."

Ethan sobered and nodded in understanding. "She's afraid of you."

Seth's mouth dropped open. Of all the things, that hadn't been what he'd been expecting. He sat up, letting his back muscles hold him in place. "What the hell for?"

"You clearly remember that night in the car outside The Coffee Barn."

"How could I ever forget," Seth mumbled.

"She doesn't want to hurt you."

Seth let out a soft snort. "I seriously doubt she has enough muscle to do that. I mean look at these babies," he said, flexing his biceps.

Ethan sighed. "Not physically, mentally, you're an idiot and why is it always that just when I forget what I see in you, you show me the very reason why I lust after you."

Seth raised a dark eyebrow. "Are you saying you don't love me for my brain?"

Ethan considered before offering a smile. "Well, there is that too. How often do you find physical and mental perfection in someone? But enough of that, we don't need you getting an even bigger head."

Seth glanced down at the tent forming beneath the blanket. "Too late. You're not gonna really leave me like this are you?"

Ethan tilted his head towards Cassie. "A perk of being in a relationship with two people... when one's busy the other one is there to please."

Seth sat up straighter. "So, when I go to the gym you guys are—"

"I assumed you knew. We're still not having actual intercourse, but yes." Ethan frowned, biting his bottom lip. "Are you okay with that?"

Seth rubbed the back of his neck. "Why wouldn't I be okay with that? I mean, thinking about it, it's pretty fuckin' hot. You know I like to watch." Seth cast his gaze briefly over Cassie's sleeping form. "So I guess I have some catching up to do," he said.

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