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After lunch, me and Brendon ended up driving down the freeway to an unknown destination.

"For the millionth time, where are you taking me?" I groaned, sprawling my arms out slightly.

"For the millionth time, I'm not telling you! Put the pieces together yourself, goddamnit." Brendon laughed rubbing his hand just above my knee while he continued to stare into the road ahead us.

I did, too--trying to imagine what he could have possibly planned. Eventually, I just gave up. I'm not good at figuring out surprises, I'm sort of clueless.

It didn't even matter, though, because soon enough, we had arrived in the parking lot of a community college. I was confused, to start, naturally. Shoe boxes, "I'd play with fire to break the ice," a community college? It doesn't add up.

When we got out of the car, Brendon handed me a fleece coat. I put it over my sweatshirt and gave him a weird look. He just laughed and put on a sweatshirt of his own.

Then he took the shoeboxes out of the car and brought them inside with us. This is when I remembered something I was embarrassed to have forgotten: there's a fucking skating rink at SSC. Brendon laughed at the face I made when I finally figured it out.

"You're taking me skating?" I asked, maybe a little bit too excited.

"Yeah, I am. Do you know how?" He said, smiling at me.

"Sure. Sort of a pro," I bragged.


The rest of the night was spent skating to the music playing over the speakers. They played recent popular songs, and me and Brendon danced. He wasn't as good as me, but he was good enough for dancing, obviously. He would spin me over the ice, or hold me close and whisper to me.

I never would have believed that ice skating could be so romantic, but there's a lot of things I didn't believe in before I met Brendon. For instance, myself.

Of course, on the ride back home my mind took a trip down memory lane. I was consumed in how much Brendon had positively impacted my life, and how awful it was before I met him. I thought about the struggles I had faced over the years and how I overcame them.

I put my hand on top of Brendon's. He looked at me and smiled, looking away a couple seconds later.

"Thank you," I said.

"For what? Taking you skating? It's no problem, I had a lot of fun." He replied simply.

"No, not just the skating. . . for everything. I wouldn't be here without you. Well, I mean, obviously, but I wouldn't have grown so much, I wouldn't have nearly as much as I do, I wouldn't be the person I am today. You've helped me a lot, Brendon. I really love you."

He was quiet for a minute, and I couldn't tell what it was.

"I love you."

And that was all he had to say.

a/n: that was short but woot next chapter is the last real one yahhhh.

-emma is tired and sad

she's my winona; brendon urie auWhere stories live. Discover now