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"So what you're telling me, is that essentially, I'm right."

"Yes, Brendon." I mumbled, dissatisfied with my choices.

"Okay, okay, okay. I just want to hear you say it."

"You're right, Brendon." I mumbled, this time just a hint of annoyance.

"No, what am I right about?"

"You shouldn't fucking overwork yourself and try to accomplish things when you're tired and/or stressed. Are you happy now?" I say louder, this time with distain, more than anything.


"Really? Did that do it for you?" I question him, crossing my arms.

"Uh-huh," Brendon instigated, clicking his tongue.

I roll my eyes, "Okay, now can we get back to work? I'm going to need all the time I can get."

"Yeah, you are. And why is that, again?"

"Jesus fuck, Brendon. Shut up with that, already."

"Alright, alright. I'm just excited. I've never been right, you know? You're the smart one in this relationship." Brendon said like he could hardly contain himself.

"Am I now?" I question, unsure of how right he is.

"Yes. Now, let's get to work, champ."

We moved briskly to the office room, as if that would allow us the time we needed. I need to re-draw a portrait of anyone in real life by 10:35 tomorrow. I can do that. Right?

At this point, after all I've accomplished in the past year, I can do anything.

Brendon sits across from me in the chair as I begin sketching. Before I manage to get too far, although, I noticed that the light shining through the window behind him was making it harder for me to draw.

"I got it!" I said, smiling big and jumping to a standing position.

I gathered my things and moved across the table, motioning for Brendon to get out of his chair. When he did, I sat down and grinned up at him like I had made some enchanting discovery.

"What is it?" He asked.

"The lighting, from the window. It's weird when you're over here. Go on, sit down." I encourage.

Brendon looks at me weird for a moment, then he gingerly sits down at cocks his head at me.

"Yeah, it kind of is weird." then pauses before saying, "Oh, so that's why you were having such a hard time yesterday?"

I nodded, then returned to my sketch. I started with his eyes, first outlining the shape, then drawing the definition of his crease, and then his corneas, and then the marks under his eyes. Everything but the iris's because, lets be honest, they're probably one of the most hardest things to draw due to the detail necessary. For instance, if you are inaccurate with so much as one minor detail, the eye looks completely different than how you wanted it to, or, perhaps, how it would have if you hadn't made the mistake. Like, really, what the fuck?

After three and a half hours of hard work and determination being emitted from me to the pencil to the paper, I had finished my drawing. It wasn't as good as it would be if I had several days to complete it, but it definitely wasn't bad.

"Your professors would be stupid to not give you an A." Brendon says proudly, smiling down at the sketchbook.

"Really? You like it?" I say, standing next to him and smiling down in his line of sight.

"I do."

"Oh, and you did manage to make my lips look, uh, what'd you call it again? Kissable?"

The next morning I woke up at 10:00am, as usual. The first thing I saw was Brendon standing above me with his hands on his shoulder.

"Do you seriously not set any alarms?" He asks.

I shrug and roll over.

"No. Carly." Brendon says, rushing to flip me back over onto my back.

"You need to get up: you have school. Don't make me go over this again."

I groaned and spread out my arms and legs on the bed.

"Will you make me coffee?"

"Already did," Brendon replied, patting my shoulder.

I smiled and eventually got out of bed, dragging my feet on the floor as I made my way to the bathroom to start getting ready. Once I had my hair and makeup done, as well as my outfit picked out, I found myself in the kitchen. More specifically, drinking coffee with my knees pulled to my chest, scrolling through makeup videos on the explore page on instagram.

"Is it weird that I find makeup videos satisfying? Like, yeah, I watch them for the techniques and obviously for enjoyment, but I also feel like they're really satisfying," I say to no one in particular.

Although, that was clearly a mistake, seeing as it caught Brendon's attention.

"What are you doing, baby? You gotta get up. We have to leave now, come on. Go pack a bag and I'll put your coffee in a travel mug, let's go." Brendon scolded.

"Ugh, and what do I get in return?" I groaned.

"Good fucking grades? A good career path, a better future ahead of you? No?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, unimpressed.

"Fuck, fine. I'll take you out to a fancy dinner?"

I raised my other eyebrow at him, as if to say "Almost there."

"Jesus, Carly. I'll get takeout and find a sitter and we can watch Netflix?"

I stood reluctantly, venturing around the house to collect the items I needed for school. I kept trying to encourage and motivate myself, using what Brendon said about my future, and also about how school isn't nearly as bad as it used to be.

I'm doing what I love, with a guy I love, which is amazing.

a/n: outie.


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