My crush made out with me

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We were at the movies and our seats were all the way at the top and if you were coming up the stairs, we would be right there all the way to the left. My crush  had the seat by the wall, John (a friend) sat next to him and I sat next to John. My crush went to the bathroom and I hurry up and sat in his seat while he was gone to piss him off. John sat in my seat. When Sam (my crush) got back he told me to get out of his seat so I sat in Johns old seat so I was right next to him.

I stayed there a bit to see if he would get mad but he didn't. So I was watching the movie. (Transformers) And Sam had a popcorn bag siting in his seat on the far side of him. So I would slowly reach my hand for some but he would smack it away. And as I kept doing that he would grab my arms and stuff but gently and stuff and direct them away from the popcorn. We ended up getting tangled and he would pretend to break my arm😂 Once I actually made it to the popcorn bag and got a handful, he held out his hand like a palm. Gesturing for me to place popcorn in his hand. So I placed a single peace of popcorn in his hand so he would eat it and I would sometimes throw it in his mouth. I also had a couple pieces of my own.

As I kept putting pieces of popcorn in his hand, my other palm was running out of popcorn to give him. So after the last piece, I placed my hand in his. And to my surprise, he didn't reject. So we sat like that for a little while and somehow we ended up playing mercy😂 but lightly. And he rubbed my hand with his thumb while we were holding hands. Then we started to lean in. And we were so close. Our foreheads were literally touching and we bored into each others eyes. I occasionally looked down at his lips, trying to give him the hint. But I think he was hesitating. He would lean in, and tease me! He would lean in and right before our lips touched, he would whisper "faggot" and laugh and pull away. But the next time he leaned in, he stared into my eyes and kept leaning in. Then right as our foreheads touched again, he waited. He was hesitant once again. As if he didn't know if I wanted it. So I said "are you gonna kiss me or what?" So he did. (With tongue might I add) and we made out for a little while.

After that, we looked into each others eyes and if felt like something clicked. He then put his arm around me and I leaned on him. We still held hands. We leaned in again and made out and I ran my fingers though his hair and then rested it on his face and when I did that he kissed me even harder. After that I leaned on him again and watched the movies and played with his hair for a little bit. Then we kissed once more and made out and it was just heaven. Every time he would kiss hard and stuff I got really turned on. I made a joke in between and was like "we should do this more often" and he laughed. And that was basically it😍 thanks for reading the best experience of my life.

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