Chapter 16

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been really busy with work and dentist appointments and the beach lol. I'll post chapters when I can.


Friday is just around the corner and I'm actually excited. Not nervous or scared. Excited.

Alex excites me. That might be the one thing I'm scared of. He's just one huge mystery that I just can't seem to solve. But I'm a patient person. I am going to wait however long it takes to figure him out.

Just one more day, Brooke. One...more.

I have all of my boring classes today, which made the school day go by even slower than usual. Chemistry is boring as hell. Except for the constant bickering between my two other friends, Amy and Arthur, or as he likes to be called, Artie. Their conversations are pretty funny.


Amy: "What did you get on your test, Artie?"

Artie: "What test?"

Amy: "You know exactly what test I'm talking about, so don't bother playing dumb."

Artie: "Oh boy. *sigh* Fine. I got a 99."

Amy: "Aww, man. I got a 98."

Artie: "Amy, that's just as good as a 99."

Amy: "No it's not! It's terrible. My parents are going to be upset that I didn't get a 100."

Artie: "Well...did you study?"

Amy: "No."

Artie: "Stop complaining. You didn't study and you ended up getting a 98."

Me: "Would you both shut up?! I got an 85. I'm perfectly fine with that grade. Heh heh. Maybe Amy and I should do something from 'Freaky Friday'. That way I would get the good grades and then Amy would actually have a real reason to complain about her grades. Haha."

Amy: "You know what you are?"

Me: "Lemmie guess...a bee-atch?"

Amy: "Haha. Yep."

Me: "Heh heh. I wonder if that would work."

Amy: "Well, you know that there's no way in hell that I would do that. So, stop fantasizing about my grades."

Me: "Who said I was fantasizing about anything? I just said that it would be funny if that happened."

Artie: "I really don't understand the two of you sometimes."

Amy: "Oh Artie. You're not supposed to."

Amy and I: "Heh heh heh."


Like I said. Their conversations are hysterical. Add me in the mix and,'s going to be one hell of a conversation.

While replaying their conversation in my head, I walk to lunch and sit with Danni, Amy, and Artie. As I walk up to our table, they notice me smiling. 

Danni is the first to ask, "Why are you so happy this dreadful morning?"

"Morning? It's 12:00 in the afternoon," Artie questions.

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