Chapter 8

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Picture above is of Alex's eyes when they turn blue. Sorry I didn't write another chapter. I hope you guys like this one. (I'd love votes on my chapters. Thanks guys.)

I open my front door and dash to my room. I drop my backpack and sit down on my bed, still trying to process what just happened not even 5 minutes ago. I had just done the impossible. The only person that I know of, that can do what I did, is a witch, named Piper, from, "Charmed". And I'm not a witch.

Most of the time;)

I convince myself that what happened...DID NOT happen. I'm just going to forget that it even happened. End of story.

Jeez. How many times did I just say happen/happened in that sentence?

I think I'm officially going crazy...


Having no homework, I take a shower and wait for Danni to come over for my birthday. She is supposed to stay the night and bring me a gift. Gotta love birthdays, am I right? Unless you're like me and don't want anyone to know it's your birthday, unless they already know when it is. Anyway, once she gets here, we gossip about boys and later fall asleep while watching "Honey 2" on Netflix. Today was actually a pretty normal day. Well, normal-ish.

Yeah. If you ignore the fact that you compared yourself to a witch, then sure.

Great. There goes my future love life. Oh, who am I kidding. I won't HAVE a love life.


I open my eyes, seeing nothing but darkness. I sit up from my bed and stand up. I hear cracking sounds from under my feet, but think nothing of it. They turn out to be...branches?

What the hell?

I'm pretty sure the look on my face is the look my mom gives me when I catch her up on the newest "slang" of teens.

I walk over to the nearest tree when I hear footsteps walking ahead of me. I keep walking and the footsteps get louder as well. Hoping it's just my imagination, I walk closer and closer to the sound.

Big mistake.

I gawk at the person standing in front of me. It looks like he is talking to somebody, but he turns around and no one else is standing there.

Hm. Weird.

Alex is standing there and his mouth is moving, but I hear nothing coming out of it. I inch closer and closer to him and the first thing I notice was the change in his eye color. It goes from a dark red to a golden yellow. Instead of being scared, I am actually intrigued. I stalk closer to him again to get a better look at his eyes. They look like orbs of light, passing in front of them when they change colors.

I eventually leave my thoughts to finally hear him asking, "How the hell did you get here?"

I respond with, "Uhh. Where is here?"

He looks really angry after I say that.

What? I can't help being such a smart ass all the time. It's just in my nature.

On top of looking angry, he also looks...I don't know. But it feels like he cares that I am here?

Ugh! I give up. But what comes out of his mouth next, completely takes me by surprise.

"How the hell did you end up in my head?!"



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