Chapter 11

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I wake up remembering the last thing Alex said to me; that being, "Fuck me. No! Fuck you! Fucking hell! What is wrong with me?!" 

After he said this, he looked me in my confused eyes and raised his hand as if he was going to slap me. I didn't move, but I did get into a defensive position so that if he DID hit me, I'd hit him back harder. It's strange because I'm not scared OF him. More like scared FOR him.

Once he saw the look in my eyes that said, "Back the fuck up," he slowly lowered his hand. He almost did it in a way that made him look ashamed, but that look quickly went away.

So here I am now, wondering what the fuck happened and why.

I do know one thing, for sure.

That fucker better be at school, otherwise he's going to have one crazy bitch looking for his stupid ass.

And trust me when I say that NO ONE wants that to happen. 

Especially Alex.


I decide to wear white, ripped skinny jeans; with a gray, dream catcher crop top; along with a pair of gray converse. Once I am finished getting dressed, I pack up my backpack, thinking about my lovely conversation with Alex last night.

A) He was in my room...naked...and I didn't get mad.

B) The radar in my damn brain, supposedly meant for having the judgement to not get involved with unsafe people, doesn't seem to be working. At all.

C) He's definitely not human...and I don't mind.

Oh, shit!

I'm royally fucked.


I drive to school on my own, (finally) since I now have a car to go with my driver's license. Let's just say that a used car with under 100,000 miles is expensive as hell. And I am not made out of money.

I park in the student parking lot and walk inside, thinking about how I am going to contact Alex; considering that he definitely will NOT be at school. I have his phone number, but I don't feel like using it.

Oh, how very wrong I am.

He is leaning on my locker with his foot hitched up just below the lock of my locker; he has his arms crossed, and he is staring directly at me.

Oh, shit.

He pushes himself off of my locker with the help from his inclined foot and starts walking towards me. His golden eyes. Ugh. He's just so...ugh!

"Uhh. Hi. Can I help you?"

He laughs a humorless laugh and whisper yells, "You can help me make sense of this whole fucking mess." 

He drags me into the janitor's closet and as he shuts the door, I snatch my arm away from his grip.

"Um. The last time I checked, I'm the one who's supposed to be fucking pissed and demanding that you tell me what the hell is going on. Not you!" I whisper yell back.

He definitely was not expecting that answer to come out of my mouth.

1 point for Brooke, 0 points for New Guy.

"Um...well...uhh. Ugh. Fine. You have a point," he mutters.

"Yes. Yes, I do. So...what the hell is going on? Oh, and do you still have to answer me honestly about anything I ask you?"

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