Chapter six (HAWKMOTH)

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As the purple window's cover opened up the moths flew around at the sight of light coming into the lair, there had been a human that became all out negative because she believed there was gonna be global warming in 5 years and she protested by chanting "STOP GLOBAL WARMING, STOP GLOBAL WARMING" repeatedly in front of city hall and got arrested, and she had to pay the fine of 600 dollars and 5 nights in jail because Chloe 'said so'.

"Ahhh, a woman who just wanted there to be a bright future, or should I say a not really bright future, perfect prey for my Akumas. Akuma, evilise her!" screamed Hawkmoth smirking and taking a moth and turning it into an Akuma and letting it go to find the locked up woman and evilise her! The Akuma flew to the lady and went into her most prized and precious possession, her gold bracelet with gold charms engraved with sayings like, fight for the earth, and, global warming is no joke, she designed it on herself. The skin around her eyes turned red, almost like she had no sleep, or had a real bad fever. The purrple (get it?) outline of a butterfly appeared on her face.

"Sunny day, I am hawkmoth, I am giving you the powers of wind, water, earth, and fire. Fire is your strongest power, the heat in your fire powers are as strong as the sun, you can show the humans what global warming will feel like and they'll beg for you to stop, that they learned their lesson, they will treat the earth and environment better, the only catch/price is a pair of earrings, Ladybug's, and a ring, Chat Noir's, called miraculous. Are you up for it Sunny Day?"

"Yes, Hawkmoth." said the lady as she transformed into sunny day.

In a bright flash, her hair was waving and blowing back, as if there was wind blowing it, her blond hair looked magical. She also had a yellow skin tight suit with a utility belt with a rope, and a tazer. Sunny day cackled as she melted the bars to her prison cell and headed towards the city, ready to make them suffer.

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