Chapter 18

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Ashton, Hunter, Randeria, and Emmie finally teamed up and beat the attacking werewolves. The rest had run back up the stairs. 

The four of them waited at the front of the passageway for what seemed like hours before someone spoke. 

"They were captured," Randeria spoke solemnly, "there's no way we're going to be able to get them back."

Ashton punched the wall of the tunnel, "Damn it." He kept mumbling curse words. He walked to the entrance, but Hunter stopped him from leaving.

"We need to go," Hunter told Ashton, putting a hand on his shoulder. 

Ashton nodded, upset, "Okay, let's go." 


Lucas walked with Alvah, his hands bound behind his back, "Why this war?" he questioned. 

"Oh I'm sorry, boys did you hear something?" Alvah asked the other council members, who were carrying December and Maya. They shook their heads with a smirk. 

"Look, I understand you're taking us hostage and all this but hear me out. The reason they fell unconscious is that they haven't drank any blood after they were turned. You at least have to help that." Lucas tried. 

"Hm, maybe it'll be your blood." Alvah threatened with a chuckle, still walking. 

"They won't let that happen," Lucas stated matter-of-factly. 

"They will if they don't know."

December shifted in her sleep and the council member holding her dropped her, causing her to wake up. She yawned, "Maya please tell me we're not late for scho--" she cut herself off as she realized what was happening, "You," she glared at Alvah, "what the hell are you doing here?" 


Alvah smirked at me, "Well good morning to you too." he said sarcastically. 

I stood up and stepped towards him, pointing my finger at his chest, "No, you do not just kidnap some people and decide to be sarcastic with them. 'Good morning' does not cut this." I snapped. 

"I can do whatever I want to do, I have the upper hand and you know it," Alvah replied smugly, lowering my hand. 

I still felt really lightheaded, but I wasn't about to tell him about that. 

"Wolf Boy, here, tells me you two need to feed." Alvah starts, turning back to walking.

"He. Has. A. Name." I snapped, scoffing at Alvah. 

"What is with you vampires and calling me 'Wolf Boy'?" Lucas questions, irritated.

"Well..." Alvah looks at him, "Are you a wolf at times?"

Lucas rolled his eyes with a nod. 

"Are you a boy at times?" 

"Yes." Lucas sighed.

"Well then unless you like Boy Wolf better, I'm going to stick with Wolf Boy." Alvah chuckled as Lucas glared at him, "The look you're giving me right now is priceless. Say, Ezra, Adrian, will you go find our prisoners some refreshment?"

One of the two, I'm not sure which, handed Maya to me. I set her on the ground, shaking her lightly, "Maya?" 

"What stops them from leaving right now?" Lucas asked. 

Alvah smirks again, "Well, we have you with us for starters. There's no way they would just leave you." 

He was right. I wasn't going to leave Lucas with him. There was absolutely no way. 

"December, you need to go find the rest of the-" 

"Yeah, all the suggestions to go free but I doubt it will happen. You have a stubborn friend, Wolf Boy." Alvah cut Lucas off. 

Ezra and Adrian came back with two squirrels, knocked unconscious. 

"You're gonna have to drink blood from one of them, or this could be awkward," Alvah told me with a chuckle, "They would have found a meal for nothing." 

A squirrel was handed to me and I looked at it for a moment. Something overtook me, and before I knew it, the poor thing was drained. 

"Easy there, tiger," Alvah laughed, "don't lose control of yourself." 

Maya's eyes fluttered open. She squinted at the brightness. 

"Oh, thank God." I hugged Maya tightly. 

She looked up and saw Alvah, "December, what happened?" 

"Yeah, about that. We kind of have a problem..." I spoke. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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