Chapter 17

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They were everywhere. The entire pack shifted into werewolves. 

One of them lunged at me, pinning me to the ground. I bared my fangs and threw him off angrily. 

I saw Maya struggle to battle one, so I ran over to her and kicked him off, "Make your way to the tunnel!" I yelled to everyone. They all got my message, which means the werewolves did too. 

I elbowed a wolf in the stomach as it jumped up at me. He snarled and growled, clawing at my chest. I winced at the sudden pain but was amazed as I saw it heal before my eyes.  

Soon enough, the battle found its way to the basement. 

Nothing changed, but I think the werewolves had the upper hand. There were far more of them. 

Randeria attacked from above, flying over everyone. 

Ashton and Hunter worked as a team, fighting from the middle as a circle of werewolves ambushed them. They must have done this before. 

Emmie threw balls of light, blinding the approaching werewolves. That made it easier on the rest of us. 

Lucas blended in, attacking when the rest least expected.

Suddenly, Maya dropped to the ground, and I watched her get dragged away by one of the wolves. 

"Maya!" I screamed but was pulled back by Ashton.

"We can't risk you getting caught too! Lucas and Hunter have this! They'll get her back." 

"No!" I fought against Ashton's grip, "She's my best friend!" 

"We waited too long to teach you to feed! In any moment, you'll be out like a light too!" Ashton reasoned. 

I looked back at him, tears in my eyes, "I'll take that chance." I escaped his grasp and ran after the wolf that had Maya. I kicked her away and smashed her head against the wall. 

Nobody hurts my best friend. 

The wolf fell unconscious and I picked up Maya, starting to feel slightly dizzy. This problem wasn't going to overtake me. I carried Maya across the room, kicking werewolves away angrily as they attacked.

My vision was hazy, "I have to make it." I told myself. 

A few steps later, I found myself falling to the ground, and the world went black. 

**Third Person**

Two werewolves shifted back and grabbed December and Maya, trying to drag them up the stairs. 

Ashton mumbled, "Son of a--" 

"Help!" Randeria yelled. 

Ashton looked up and saw her, a rope caught on her wings, and a man pulled her down to the floor and grabbed her. 

Emmie saw this as well and threw a ball of light into his eyes, causing his to let go of Randy. She jumped away and punched him as hard as she could, knocking him out, "Open the passageway!" 

Ashton jumped into action and quickly opened the passage. 

Lucas snuck upstairs to get Maya and December back. He shifted back to his human form, "Let them go, Jamison." he spoke bravely. 

"No can do, Lucas. You of all people should know this war is a danger to our kind. We can't risk the vampires getting to them." 

"Too late," Alvah's voice spoke from behind. Two other vampires stood behind him, "Now they all come with me, and nobody gets hurt." he smiled, "Wolf boy, too." 

The man looked at Alvah, then back to Lucas and the girls, "Deal." 

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