Chapter 7

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"Man what the hell is your problem?" Ashton shouted, infuriated.

Any later and Maya and I might be the only ones to solve this. After Hunter dropped, the fight had begun. Yelling has been the main occurrence in the past five minutes.

"You have absolutely no right to be here," Randy snapped, and, after hearing a crack, the man cried in pain.

A maniacal laugh had settled into the room, "Big mistake..."

Next thing we see is Randy, getting thrown over the table, and into the wall.

"Sir we don't mean you any harm, but we haven't seen these girls you have told us about," Lucas persuaded. Damn, he's too nice.

"Don't you dare talk to me, filthy dog."

Maya's fist clenched, and I could tell this man was about to pay for the words said. However funny that might have been, I stopped her, not wanting to get caught. Although I wanted to show a piece of my mind as well.

I heard a low growl and then the sound of claws to the concrete floors. Lucas' two feet were replaced by four paws. This guy has really done it. A bark sounded and Lucas' wolf had pounced. But to no avail, there was a whimper, and Lucas was thrown over the table as well.

This wasn't going to get us anywhere.

We noticed Ashton had started into the fight, keeping the other vampire from coming to the other side of the room. Hunter attacked from behind. I really wanted to help them.

Randy's eyes opened and she immediately jumped back into action, getting a few good punches in the battle.

Bad thing about this issue is ten more minutes into it, Lucas hasn't awoke. The grey wolf remained in its not-so-peaceful slumber, shaking violently, and softly whimpering. I'd give anything to leave our cover and make sure he's okay. Maya looked concerned for his well-being, as well.

"And don't come back!" Ashton boomed, slamming the door shut.

Maya and I ran to Lucas as soon as we heard the door shut. Together we lifted him to the table.

"He's still breathing, but it's very unsteady," Randy said softly, then searched for the wolf's pulse, "Incredibly jagged, but he's going to make it."

Maya let out a breath of relief as she pet his fur-covered head, a half smile on her face.


After an hour of waiting, Lucas shifted back to his human self. Maya and I threw our arms around him, "Don't scare us like that again!" I yelled.

"Never. We need to keep you two more hidden, that was a close one," Lucas replied.

"I agree with wolf boy. That was too close. We need to get you to his house before anyone else comes back," Hunter commented.

"How do we sneak past anyone? I mean it's almost dark and this will most likely be when they're going to be out more. We already had troubles with that guy, we don't need another vamp on our tail," Ashton inquired.

"I'm not sure... Maybe we could find a way to make them look slightly different. I know there isn't enough in here to change their looks completely, but even just a little bit could make a difference," Lucas suggested.

"Maybe," Randy walked to the wall and revealed a hidden door. She pulled out a bucket of makeup. When she got questioning looks, she defended herself, "What? Sometimes I would like to at least look like I have a decent tan!"

"I never thought I'd see the day you had makeup in your hands... Kind of weird if you ask me," Hunter took the offensive side.

"Hey this is no football game we don't need any offense or defense. We only need offense, but that's when this war begins. Not now though," Maya snapped suddenly, "This is so we can escape the vampires who house here and so they do not recognize us. Calm yourselves."

"You know what? Aleece is right. We need to settle our differences and get over it," Randy spoke through clenched teeth.

I looked at her, "Did you just call her Aleece?"

Randy gave me a stare as if she'd seen a ghost, "The more I look at them, they really - really really - look like Isabella and Aleece."

"I see it as well," Lucas recognized, "I've thought that for quite a while."

"How long have you all known about us...?" Maya decided to ask.

"I've known since I met you. I knew I should keep you safe from anyone trying to hurt you. I have known the tale for some time. My grandparents knew your ancestors when this happened the first time. I remember seeing a painting of the four of them. I think a few months after that I met you guys. To be honest I almost called you two Isabella and Aleece. But yes, I have known," Lucas answered surely.

"And now we're vampires...but we're vampire hunters. Can I get some of your vampire logic?" I queried.

"Join the club. Throughout my 600 years I have had a life filled to the brim with irony," Hunter tried, "That is, until I met Ashton, then it was filled to the brim with the stupidity of my best friend," he laughed.

"Oh, come on what would you do without me?" Ashton asked, punching Hunter's arm teasingly.

"Not sure... Maybe celebrate," Hunter laughed, "Just kidding.... I would probably crash and burn."

"Exactly. So don't go complaining."

Randy came up to Maya and I with the bucket of makeup. She dug through the bucket before finding a few pairs of colored contacts, "Okay so we have orange for December and a sort of maroon for Maya," she handed us the contacts, which we immediately put on. With a light brown eyeliner pencil, she dotted my face with 'freckles', then started with Maya.

"Freckle-face," Ashton mumbled, laughing.

I punched his arm, "First of all, I'm trying to survive. Second of all, I'm a vampire hunter. I will fight you."

He raised his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay, you got me. I'm sorry..... not."

I glared at him, "I give up," I huffed, before he laughed, clearly amused in his victory.

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