Chapter 11

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Randeria fell in love with Isabella, my ancestor. This seemed crazy. After our conversation, she fell silent, thinking to herself. 

I stood up and paced around, doing some of my own thinking. 

Isabella and Aleece were captured by the council. They were still human, so the council supposedly had more power over them. So how exactly did they win? 

And if Randy was there, what role did she play? It all didn't make sense. It didn't piece together right. 

I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Ashton. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," he apologized. 

"It's alright, I was just too far in my thoughts to realize you were there," I told him. 

"So what are you thinking about Little Deci?" Ashton questioned. 

"'Little Deci'? That's the best you have Ash?" I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I don't know, it's funnier than Ember will ever be," he chuckled to himself, "But seriously, what's troubling you?" 

"None of this adds up. It all seems like one big dream. Just a few days ago I was with Maya and we were going to a party. Now I'm here, as a vampire, surrounded by vampires, werewolves, Fire Eternals, and demons. Things I never thought existed until now. And we're going God knows where running from a whole fleet of vampires who want to kill us all. I just don't know what to think of it," I lied, keeping Randy's secret out of it. 

"It's a lot to take in, I know. I think the best thing to do is use your imagination, and I know for a fact that your imagination runs wild. You know so much about what you are and what Lucas is. And by what Maya said back at camp you knew a lot about Emmie as well. You're a natural at all things fantasy, and I admire that." 

I nodded and looked around, hoping he wouldn't say anything about my lie.

"So I know that wasn't what's wrong, but I'll let it slide because you might not want to talk about it. Do you want to come back to camp?" he pointed in the direction of the fire. 

I nodded. When we got back to the camp, I noticed Emmie staring off into space. Her hair was glowing and there was a ball of light in her hands. 

Lucas was sitting by Maya and Hunter. They were talking, but I couldn't hear the topic. 

Randeria - who I never noticed made it back to camp - sat by the fire, staring into it. She seemed to be whispering in Latin. 

"She's summoning another demon to put a protection spell on the camp," Ashton told me, noticing my staring. 

I nodded and walked over to Emmie, "Hey."

She didn't seem to notice me at first, and she continued to stare off.

"Emmie?" I asked. 

Emmie blinked a few times, her hair dimming. She looked at me, "I'm sorry, I stare off into space every now and then. It's a condition," she chuckled. 

"It's alright, you just looked like you needed to talk."

She looked  around, "This is all entirely too dangerous," she sighed worriedly, "for everyone here. You, Maya, Lucas, Ashton, Hunter, Randy, even me. I may be able to regenerate but I don't want to change. Not if it means losing Ash and Hunt, since they took me in. It's not fair. I'm all for helping, but why should we have to risk our lives for you, total strangers?" 

I looked at her, shocked. I didn't think her to be the type to say something like that. 

"I didn't choose this, Emmie, and I hope you know that." 

"Choose it or not it's unfair for us to risk our lives for someone we don't know. I'll gladly help, but it most certainly will not change my opinion on it."

She was right. How could Maya and I let them risk their lives? And all for what? A couple of fledglings? 

I walked over to Maya, "We need to talk."

Maya looked concerned and agreed. We walked a little ways from the camp, "What is it?" she asked. 

"We are a danger to them and it isn't fair. We need to leave." 

"Wait, December, what do you mean?"

"Think about it. These people have lives ahead of them. Ashton and Hunter risked their lives to turn us and protect us. We need to do the same for them, and for everyone else at camp."

"You're right, but where would we go?"

"I don't know but we should go. Tonight," I looked around to make sure nobody was there listening.

"So you want us to risk our lives and leave the people whose lives are also at stake? We should be in this together, December."

"They're after us a lot more than Ashton and Hunter."

"Ashton and Hunter made us vampires, don't you think they should be the ones to help us adapt?"

"No, not if it will cost their lives."

"Their lives are already! They turned us, December. Us leaving isn't going to change that," she looked around, "They're already in danger. The council already knows."

"And what of Lucas? Randy? Emmie? What happens to them? They could be killed with us, but completely safe without."

"Fair point, I guess we should leave, but I ask again: Where?"

"I'm not sure, but we should go tonight. It's the best option to keep them safe," I looked at the ground, "I don't want anyone to get hurt." 

"We'll leave when everyone goes to sleep."

"Ashton and Hunter don't sleep, remember?"

"God, December, you're making it very hard to decide to leave."

"Fine. We'll go when people are asleep and Ashton and Hunter aren't paying attention." 

"Hey, is there a problem?" Hunter spoke suddenly, making us jump.

"No, we were just about to go back to the camp," Maya answered, looking at me. 

We walked back to camp, Maya and I both trapped in our thoughts. When we got back, we caught everyone's gaze. It seemed uncomfortable. They had to know something. 

"So, you're leaving," Emmie said. 

I looked at her, surprised, unable to speak. 

"December?" Emmie snapped in front of my face, "I asked where should we go next?" 

"Oh, I uh... I don't know," I answered. 

I had the biggest guilty conscience... This is going to be a long night. 

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